Just my 2 cents on this.
- Google cares about content and the number of links to your content (everything else is secondary).
- Having a different IP, like for one site and 321.123.123.1 for the other, if it's your intent to work some cross linking magic surely won't hurt. But you'll need more than a few to make any dent if your keywords are in a crowded market.
Like the previous guy said, it "might" give you more weight, but even the Google experts argue over the relevance of doing this...
- Renew your domains for no less than 2 years each (inside tip).
- Spend your time developing the social media sites and ensuring they link back to your own with as much content as you can manage (facebook, twitter, forums that allow signatures, etc.).
- Research the hell out of what Geo-Targeting in Google can do.
Reasons why will become more apparent once you do.
- Google cares about content and the number of links to your content (everything else is secondary).
- Having a different IP, like for one site and 321.123.123.1 for the other, if it's your intent to work some cross linking magic surely won't hurt. But you'll need more than a few to make any dent if your keywords are in a crowded market.
Like the previous guy said, it "might" give you more weight, but even the Google experts argue over the relevance of doing this...
- Renew your domains for no less than 2 years each (inside tip).
- Spend your time developing the social media sites and ensuring they link back to your own with as much content as you can manage (facebook, twitter, forums that allow signatures, etc.).
- Research the hell out of what Geo-Targeting in Google can do.
Reasons why will become more apparent once you do.
