What text editor / IDE do you use for development?


New member
Mar 29, 2012
I'm fairly new to web development. I am on a mac and have tried several different text editors to see what I like. I write html, css, javascript, php, and have just started experimenting with Ruby. I used Dreamweaver as a text editor so far (don't hurt me), but it doesn't work very well with Ruby.

Now I have tried others like Sublime Text or RubyMine which work really well with Ruby but tend to lack strong autocomplete functions or support for php.

I really just like having syntax highlighting and code completion. I find it makes me faster and easier to find mistakes.

So, what do you use? What are the awesome features that make it your favorite editor?

Sublime Text. Like dchuk said^^ install any autocomplete plugins you need through the package manager.
I use phpDesigner (windows only), good IDE and important for me it has built in sftp support so I can edit live.
phpstorm. for php, obviously.
sublime text for random stuff on the mac. xcode for actual iOS dev. some people hate it but i think it's class.
eclipse (shudder) for android stuff. i find myself using eclipse just for compiles and writing code in notepad++. editpadpro is also great for it's regex engine, it's the most powerful i've come across.
vim on the server.
notepad ++.

who the fuck am I kidding? for each project I start I code my own IDE for the "special" feel per project.
The core of development we do in Netbeans, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Java of course. The autocomplete feature is awesome, not only autocomplete but real time documentation tips.
KomodoIDE for Python, Ruby, SASS.
SublimeText2 for everything else.
Notepad++ to quickly edit single files/pages
After installing all the plugins for Sublime Text, I think it might be my go to editor now.