What should I do?


I'd start by doing the right thing and taking responsibility for your actions.

After you've done that, you should take a minute to say a quick prayer of thanks to a deity of your choice for seeing to it that you chose to post this on a day when I am very busy.
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I doubt you'll get in trouble (other than maybe for running a red light), however, get a taxi there now and do the right thing. Don't wait, they may have their car towed by tomorrow.
I put money on OP drink driving
It's becoming a lot easier to troll WF now that you gays have decided to become the morality police.
Here's my suggestion

1. Keep drinking.
2. Drive yourself to the police station
3. Tell them what you did.
4. Do your hard time in jail like a man
5. Have your Escalade repossessed
6. Get sued by the Camry owner
7. Spend several millions on attorney fees in civil court
8. File for bankruptcy from your county prison cell
9. Convert to Islam
10. Get your GED
11. Build a new library
12. Start laundering money for the warden

...shit, I got a little off track there at the end. But I think you know where this is going.
I think you know what you need to do... torch the evidence. Both, the Escalade and the Camry.

Make sure to post pics!
Find the car's owner, apologize, and if you can, afford to pay cash on the spot. If what you're not saying is that there is good reason you didn't want police involved then offer to pay obviously more than the repairs will cost. Money talks. Pull up in the same car you did it with and the person's got your plate though, and any face talk is a description. Food for thought. If you want to make good for your own sense of justice but without the possibility of the law involved there's probably a way to finagle that.

First year out of college living paycheck to paycheck some douchebag tourist in front of me signaled to turn right into a merge, started pulling out and then stopped for the imaginary car that he saw coming. We pull over and I had hit his bike on a back rack, narfed up the bike's front tire rim. I generally hate dealing with police and I really didn't want an at-fault on my record - hitting someone from behind pretty much you're always at fault - so I offered the guy $200 cash on the spot. Convinced him to follow me to an ATM two blocks away, he took the cash, we swapped numbers, never heard from him or the police.
Can't believe some of you are taking this idiot seriously. Commits a hit and run, is brilliant enough to confess to it publicly, and to a forum full of creative entrepreneurs no less, and gosh darnit, just isn't sure what to do. That's definitely a conundrum.

By the time you're about 4, you know what the right course of action in a situation like this is.
First year out of college living paycheck to paycheck some douchebag tourist in front of me signaled to turn right into a merge, started pulling out and then stopped for the imaginary car that he saw coming. We pull over and I had hit his bike on a back rack, narfed up the bike's front tire rim. I generally hate dealing with police and I really didn't want an at-fault on my record - hitting someone from behind pretty much you're always at fault - so I offered the guy $200 cash on the spot. Convinced him to follow me to an ATM two blocks away, he took the cash, we swapped numbers, never heard from him or the police.

Yep, this - I drove into the back of someone after I'd had about 3 hours sleep in the first year of having my daughter. Totally my fault, so the guy went the garage, got a quote and I sent him the money next day. Much easier than messing about with insurance claims, it would end up costing you a shitload more in increased premiums over the years. I lost the faith with insurance companies after they loaded my premium for someone driving into the back of me.
I lost the faith with insurance companies after they loaded my premium for someone driving into the back of me.
I'm getting a camera and microphone setup soon to avoid stuff like this. If you use a Raspberry Pi, it's pretty reasonable. Alternatively, if you don't want to fiddle around with all that, dashcams aren't too bad compared to the cost of repairing the car.
This time I will not miss the occasion. I just started to sell "Should I be involved?" t-shirt with Plaza's face covered in tears and original signature from IceToEskimos.

I know that even if I don't sell a single one WF community can easily convince OP to by whole edition.
I'm getting a camera and microphone setup soon to avoid stuff like this. If you use a Raspberry Pi, it's pretty reasonable. Alternatively, if you don't want to fiddle around with all that, dashcams aren't too bad compared to the cost of repairing the car.

It wouldn't have helped me. The guy was 100% at fault, he admitted it, the insurance company acknowledged it... and I still got my premiums loaded. Probably not as much as if I'd been at fault, but still... fuckers.