What should I do?


New member
Jul 21, 2008
My heart is rushing a bit rough right now but hear me out before I hit this bottle of Jack. I was driving home just now in my Escalade, when I hit a turn a little too fucking hard. Well I overshot the turn and slammed the front right of my ride into the side door of this car on the corner of the street.

From what I was able to tell it was some shitty old camry, but I got the fuck out of there ASAP. The problem is if all the adnerline pumping from this shit I hit the next red light and get those bitch ass red light cameras hit me. So in other words, I have my car rushing out of that street on camera at 40 mph for that time.

Don't know what to do now, will the cops catch me? Should I go back to that car and leave my insurance info on the window shield?

On top of all this shit I need to fucking fix the dent on my car, just had the kid modded this past weekend.


Hit and run huh?

Do the right thing. It's as simple as that.

It'll feel less worse than the weight of not doing the right thing that you're feeling right now.

What made you run?
Go do the right thing. If it's a shitty old Camry it will be so cheap to fix. Don't go through your insurance company, just give the guy a reasonable amount of money.
I didn't know what to do. I had some things in my car that best remain out of the eyes of the cops. Last thing I wanted to do was call them and deal with them and possibly be searched. I also am drinking already, so it's not like I can go out now and try to make clean, they'll think I was drinking before so I would get a DUI or something.
I didn't know what to do. I had some things in my car that best remain out of the eyes of the cops. Last thing I wanted to do was call them and deal with them and possibly be searched. I also am drinking already, so it's not like I can go out now and try to make clean, they'll think I was drinking before so I would get a DUI or something.

So here's what you do:

Drink tonight, there's no use being a bigger dumbass, jumping in a car, and possibly killing someone (from the sounds of it, you can't drive straight sober).

Tomorrow, find your nuts. They're there, I'm sure. Take a look in the mirror, grab your keys, and head back that direction. Find the car. Don't stop looking until you find that fucking car. And initiate a conversation with the owner, immediately beginning with an apology.

Follow your show of good character with an offer to pay for the damages. And then actually pay for the damages. And if he wants to go through the police - then you do that. Accept your consequences like a man, and move on from it.

Post a picture with yourself and the fucked up Camry holding a spoon (this is for you, not for me).

No one deserves to wake up to their car fucked up.
Best thing is documenting crimes on a public forum and including a pic of said non stock car for the police to match the red light cam pic with.

Of COURSE you're driving an Escalade...
For poor people, this sort of shit is what starts a chain of events which ends up in them being homeless. (some idiot wrecks your car, you can't get to work, you lose your job, etc etc).

If it's a shitty car, they probably can't afford to get it fixed. You may have written off their only way of getting into work, and completely fucked them in the ass. They may not even have it insured fully comp.

Get a taxi over there now and leave your details on there. Sort it out before the police get involved.
No exif data on that image.

OP, do the right thing. Even if the person you hit is insured, they are still going to have to pay a collision deductible to get it fixed.

Goddammit, you just had to ruin it. That's why I asked for more pics.
The weather is alright in Brooklyn right now. Go back there, walk if need be and apologize / offer to fix damages. It shouldn't be too much. You can't buy a peaceful mind.

Well.. heroin. But hey, let's deal with one thing at a time.
OP do the right thing. After asking advice from WF that's the only option you have in hand now.