What should I charge...


New member
Jan 8, 2007
We have a growing forum revolving around youtube and gaming and we've had some inquires about people wanting to buy some ad space. Not sure what the going rate is for our traffic or if there's any formula we can follow...

From our Awstats:

Month Unique visitors Number of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth
May 2011 1,631 2,788 172,593 544,613 2.75 GB
Jun 2011 4,320 9,543 388,686 1,166,839 7.63 GB
Jul 2011 20,885 50,207 9,474,827 30,013,786 210.52 GB
Aug 2011 26,639 74,089 18,382,532 58,514,951 675.32 GB
Sep 2011 49,109 108,818 17,101,220 55,983,133 1006.60 GB
Oct 2011 69,609 140,446 21,129,863 65,834,244 1208.97 GB
Nov 2011 83,564 132,162 10,547,120 38,004,576 568.06 GB

Any help would be appreciated...

Thanks in advance..

Even if you get paid $1 CPM (meaning $1 per thousand ad impressions), then you could be making $10-20k a month (based on the data from the last two months). It's up to you whether you want to join an ad company that serves CPM ads or if you want to negotiate with individual advertisers.
You should probably be doing your own research: find your competition with things like Google Ad Planner, see what ad networks they're using and who's running what on their sites, and get their rate cards.

Forum traffic doesn't generally command a premium, gaming forums are no exception. You shouldn't expect much more than $0.20 CPM per ad unit for your US traffic. If I were monetizing a forum I'd probably try something like kontera.