What other investments do you all have?

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Call me Andy
Jun 27, 2006
Washinton D.C.
When YPN terminated my account, I realized that I essentially had all of my eggs (small, not very much $$$ eggs) in one basket. I used to have a measly stock portfolio, but have never made significant money off anything except flipping websites and getting amazingly high clicks with YPN.

I've been looking lately into what I'm going to invest in and have been wanting to invest in well, more tangible things, because, to be honest, I don't see myself being a dot com mogul in my future.

Currently I was thinking about taking a student loan and using it to get an apartment (my dad is going to pay my instate tuition for GMU).

Just wondering, what other investments do you guys have other than just CDs and money market accoutns and stuff?

I only have 2 CD's, a savings acct and a checking acct. I don't bother with stocks, or bonds. They are both pathetic compared to the returns of thy internet.
401K and Roth IRA.

Do the 401k if you can, through your employer if you have one. Especially if they give you free money.

Do the Roth IRA, it's only a small amount 4k per year but you can trade stocks if you want, it's tax free after you put the money in.

Other than that, just don't spend more than you make. :)
If you have $50,000 or more to invest, managed forex accounts can provide fantastic returns, a heck of a lot more than 5 - 15% per year that most places give you with stock markets. But Forex is also "more risky". Of course, your gains won't be even close to the 100% ROI per month that a lot of people doing IM are getting but with managed forex, you don't have to do any work either... I've seen returns ranging between 25% to several hundred percent per year. It all depends on where you look, the level of risk, etc, etc. Don't stay narrow minded and only look inside the U.S., there's loads of managed accounts over in Europe and some of the "finacially established" countries in South America (such as Panama) which have some pretty nice potential investments.

With that said, I can't really recommend anyone, you'll just have go Google around. "managed forex account" and "foreign managed forex" are good searches start with. Just make sure you go with an established (and probably regulated) facility as there's a lot of scams in this market too.

And if you don't have $50,000 ... stick to IM for now. :)
ltn: i thought you were making good money.. at least that is what i saw in your tag thingy at earners forum.
ltn: i thought you were making good money.. at least that is what i saw in your tag thingy at earners forum.

Most of my money was coming from [taken out incase of spies], and since my acct was terminated...

Last month I barely hit $1k in revenues, April will be lower.

Real estate sounds fun, my mom isn't letting me get an IRA yet, she says whats the point, you're not even 18 yet.
I currently own 2 houses, with one more on the way. I'm planning on owning at least 6 houses.
It is never too early to star an IRA. Don't forget about the power of compound interest - the earlier you start depositting money into it, the faster it will build up.
wow! finally a thread where I can contribute (a bit).
Learn about investments abroad. As a 3rd world country citizen and finance professional (ah, ok, major in finance), there are secured dollar bonds (read: 0 risk) that pay upto 12.5% per annum or more. These are just as safe as your T-bond.
Real estate used to be good, but you really have to know your area/market.
Forex trading (personally, I prefer options) is difficult to master but can pay off handsomely (sound familiar?)
It's never too early to start investing. But the most important thing is to educate yourself, so that you're ahead of the crowd and no mutual fund manager can scam you.
Have you ever considered Internet Marketing through an affliate program? They do provide good returns if you are willing to put effort and time into it, nurturing it into a long term residual income.

what do you think this entire website is about? nice sig spam
I invest heavily in a hedge fund group that my family has been using for almost 20 years now, and I've also got lots of cash stashed into an investment with my father's real estate dev firm.

It's funny because everyone here and in the industry thinks I'm like this super rich liquid guy, but I am SO not liquid anymore. For at least a year now, and it's the best thing too, because it forces me to think practically with my money. I don't buy expensive shit, or go on splurges like I did when I had my adult sites years ago.

The most expensive thing I purchased in 2006 was a Rolex (I'm a collector) for about $9k. That's it! No cars, no booze (I don't drink), no drugs (don't do them), no gambling (I lost interest), no women (I don't spend money on chicks), no toys, no houses, no vacations, nothing!

The best advice I can give to anyone who makes bank, is to either re-invest it into multiple projects of yours, or to find safe or semi-safe investments outside the industry so that you cannot spend it on stupid things like I did, such as helicopter taxi rides to and from Atlantic City and to my family's estate upstate NY instead of taking a car or bus. You guys have no idea how many hundreds of thousands I wasted on reeeeeally stupid shit throughout the years until I matured enough and locked it away from myself. Now I have as much money in the bank as the avg person probably does, and it's also quite possibly the best thing for me too, because then I won't go buying huge things I don't have a need for, and it forces you to make better decisions.

Money can either make you or break you. When you make a lot of it, enjoy it for a few months, do the crazy shit to get it out of your system, but trust me when I say, the best thing you can do is lock it up in investments so that you aren't liquid and don't spend it on even bigger and badder things.
No cars, no booze (I don't drink), no drugs (don't do them), no gambling (I lost interest), no women (I don't spend money on chicks), no toys, no houses, no vacations, nothing!

Wow, what the fuck do you do with your life all day ?! :eek7:
Property in Eastern Europe is worth considering - Bulgaria, Romania, etc (Romania - predicted 500% rise in property prices over next 10 years). Or maybe Asia or South America. Definitely a better option than the US or Western Europe and even I can get a mortgage for £2000/$4000!
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