What % of posters bullshit on how much $$$ they make on WF?

I work my ass off mang. Bills are stackin up. I've got kids. I've got a girlfriend and a wife on the side.

I just care about the .001% that luck into something big without realizing it and ask a stupid question in the forum that makes me say "Fuck, that might be something."

lol, same here. trying to read between the lines of posts to figure out where people are balling.
I actually find most of WF to be decent these days. Nobody sits around and brags like a 14 year old about how ballin' they are usually. If anything, they brag about their intelligence, which is fine, because they'll usually back that up with words / advice / experience, etc.

I guess once in a while you'll get some idiot like CEO Sam bragging while ballin' at Motel 6 eating some delivered pizza, and bragging about his bathroom mirror. I like to think the majority of the WF membership is a little above that though.
I made a dollar today from adsense. If you think I'm going to lie about a fucking dollar, you have another thing coming. Then again I'm content with my level of peasantry, the struggle is real....!
Ok, here's proof of my baller status. 5 figures baby!

I just get the smell of bullshit from some posters when they proclaim how much they're making and then I check their posts and they're pimping blog posts in BST. How much can that be making in this day and age?

Then there's the posters who NEVER give the slightest indication they're successful and you hear through the grapevine that they're minted.

The latter is way more interesting.

I don't doubt that a good BST provider can bank. BST providers wouldn't brag a lot, or their customers would start thinking they're over-pricing their deliverables. It wouldn't matter to anyone who is really cost/benefit focused, but behavioral economics would correctly predict that people/customers care about shit like that, and it would surely hurt that BST provider's bottom line.

A bragging BST provider would likely hurt themselves, whether true or not. Not true if it is "get rich quick," but true if providing almost anything else.
there has also been a huge amount of inflation on the level of income that seems to worth bull shiting about

like 7 or 8 years ago if you said you made like 10 or 20k a month people really noticed

now its like people have to say they make that in a day in order to make waves
I would go a step further to say that the vast majority of people who talk openly about their income without anyone asking are full of shit. Talkers talk, walkers walk.
Ok, here's proof of my baller status. 5 figures baby!


There used to be a digital point thread solely for people to post images of their adsense checks. It was kinda sad, but people were stoked to post them because that meant they were making a couple bucks a day. Better than making nothing I suppose.
You either be like:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiLKVdNJt_o]hier nen euro - YouTube[/ame]

Or you're just like:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Y5QAAySycM]motherfucker I'm eel - YouTube[/ame]

What's it gonna be?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6RvLJKUC18]Dad turns down for what. - YouTube[/ame]
Honestly it's best to just shut the fuck up. I remember a few years ago on a different forum a newbie got really lucky with a niche and started making like 5-10k a month with free traffic and not doing shit. He told people how much he was making and people got thirsty as fuck. He told people what he did and surprise surprise half the fuckers he was "helping" just copied his method and site.