What % of posters bullshit on how much $$$ they make on WF?


New member
Oct 5, 2007
I just get the smell of bullshit from some posters when they proclaim how much they're making and then I check their posts and they're pimping blog posts in BST. How much can that be making in this day and age?

Then there's the posters who NEVER give the slightest indication they're successful and you hear through the grapevine that they're minted.

So what percentage of posters here do you think bullshit and are really broke? And does it really matter?! Probably not, I should have better things to do.


Probably a good portion are lying or exaggerating. But it doesn't matter, you can tell after a short conversation who really knows their shit
"Does it really matter?"

Everyone of them are 100 fucking percent true. There's your motivation, now get to work.
I just get the smell of bullshit from some posters when they proclaim how much they're making and then I check their posts and they're pimping blog posts in BST. How much can that be making in this day and age?

Just because someone is pimping blog posts on the BST doesn't mean they aren't ballin'

Then there's the posters who NEVER give the slightest indication they're successful and you hear through the grapevine that they're minted.


So what percentage of posters here do you think bullshit and are really broke? And does it really matter?! Probably not, I should have better things to do.

90% are bullshitting ... atleast.
inb4 page 10. and no it doesn't really matter, who cares...

what I pay attention to is if somebody is talking about something they are working on. in other words if they are outing their own methods/niche/technique/traffic source/offer. and especially if somebody complains that they are outing something.
I see many link packages at $300. $300 link package @ 100 sales = 30k 300 sales = 90k. Very possible from a popular BST thread and sig links. Then imagine the same service on wafo,bhw, dp and repeat buyers + word of mouth.
Why would anyone actually put their monthly/yearly intake online unless it's only not to stroke their own ego? Like LBorbit said, after a couple of conversations you can tell who's full of it. Words people use are also a big indicator. Someone that talks in terms of 'assets', 'liabilities', capital, etc tends to be a little higher up the food chain versus someone talking about monthly revenue. I gotta get back to work, the line's getting a little long and these fries aren't going to drop themselves... #I'mLovingIt​
It's none of our business. We shouldn't be asking, and people shouldn't be telling.

However, I'll tell you this.

Years ago when I finally went full-time SEO, I had a harsh realization.

95% of the people acting like they were full-time bad asses on wickedfire on skype all day fall into 2 categories, which explained their full-time availability:

1. They are fronting ass college kids.
2. They work 9-5 in front of a computer, then go home and get back on the computer.

Let me say, college is good stuff. I know a dude in college who's absolutely slaying it in SEO. I know a shitload more who are bullshitters.

I'll also say, nothing wrong with having a 9-5, or for working for an SEO agency.

The problem comes when you're faking the funk and making other people feel less accomplished. Talking about how YOU just spend $10k on some links when it's really the company's money is bullshit. Talking about all the expendable income you have and all the dumb shit you do with it is bullshit when all of your expenses are covered by your parents while you're in college.

There are men on here supporting wives and children (and pets (gerbils)) 100% through SEO and IM. You don't know which ones they are, but they are here. But you know which ones they aren't (the ones making money claims).
Well for a start why are you asking about financials in a public forum? Who in their right mind would post that here?
There aren't many folks who come here and flash a wad of cash. That and this industry has lots of ups and downs. Most of us who have been around a while have experienced some setbacks and down times.

Not everyone is trying to make millions here either. Some are in it for freedom and lifestyle... the whole be your own boss and set your own hours thing. Having enough money for weed, hookers and free time to travel and fuck hookers in exotic lands...
I just care about the .001% that luck into something big without realizing it and ask a stupid question in the forum that makes me say "Fuck, that might be something."
95% of the people acting like they were full-time bad asses on wickedfire on skype all day fall into 2 categories, which explained their full-time availability:

1. They are fronting ass college kids.
2. They work 9-5 in front of a computer, then go home and get back on the computer.

YES. I meant to say this in my post as well. people with the 9-5 don't have the pressure. they might be making 0 off their online endeavours. it's a great advantage of the 9-5, I applied to 6 places in 2011 when I was really broke but it was the peak of the recession here and I got nothing.

i've been self-employed since 2007 and 2011 was the worst year. had to borrow money from the parents for food! nothing like having no money to eat to tell you what's really important in life.

it's got a lot better since with my app business. still not hitting 6 figures/month though like this baller