What META tags do you use?

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
It's obvious that meta tags don't carry the weight they used to when it comes to SEO. While it doesn't seem like most SE's use the meta tags at all when it comes to ranking a site, do you still think they have their place?

What meta tags do you commonly use on your sites?

I personally only use the description, and keywords tags. While I will probably do away with the keywords tag soon due to it looking too spammy, I'm planning on keeping the description tag around. Google still uses parts from the description tag in it's snippets when displaying search results.

I use a robots.txt file on all my sites, and don't feel that search engines value the "revisit" field much, if any. So I don't use the robots tag at all.

Ah, I also use the character encoding tag on all my sites. That's simply to conform to standards though... almost forgot about that one as I don't think of it as a meta tag.

Anyways, what about the rest... author, copyright, etc... which ones do you use?

I'm using description and keywords. I don't know if keywords are still of any use, but description is used by Google when displaying search results.
MisterX said:
I'm using description and keywords. I don't know if keywords are still of any use, but description is used by Google when displaying search results.
hrm... i think i agree:rolleyes: .
I include desciption and keywords in all of the sites that I hand code. Wordpress themes, however, don't use them so I obviously don't include it on my blogs. Does anyone know how to hack a Wordpress theme to include the desc. and keyword metas?
Description and keywords. I really don't put too much time into them either, since they aren't that important. But I still do them because you never know what tiny search engine out there might end up sending you a bit of traffic.
Part of the reason that I like to include the desc. is because when I have built a few directories it is always the first thing that I look for when including a site. if I don't find it, then they usually don't make it in the directory. I figure if I'm looking for it on someone else's site, then they might be looking for it in mine and it could benefit me to have it there.
I use description because sometimes Google uses that description to (gasp!) describe my site.
I also use the xhtml one to provide the content type so the page can validate.

The rest of them are pretty pointless I think
peach said:
I don't really use them anymore, seems like a waist of time to me.

I haven't tested this for a while, but Google used to display a part of your meta description if the searched phrase was found in there. If it wasn't there, it would just display a part of the first sentence in which it was found on a page, and that sometimes looks messy.
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