What is the biggest reason readers of this forum fail?


Outside your window
Oct 5, 2007
Everyone is here because they are chasing the goal of self-sufficient income or riches or more free time and less work.

Whatever the goal is - some people reach it while most here seem to fall short.

So for those of you who are doing it: what, in your mind, is the biggest reason people who read this forum and try end up failing? What do people do wrong that makes them end up back at a 9-5?

Look, to make money in this business you need to be a Homo, a homophobe, a racist, or a political bigot. Anyone else is doomed to failure.
I would say thinking they will not have to work hard. And once they realize that, they give up.
Its human nature - humans want instant results, humans are lazy, they try 1 time and if it doesnt work they fail, humans dont want to go out of their comfort zone, they lacking ambition and so many other things...

So if you work hard for 8 hours for 1 year - you are already in 1% of the whole field...
Inaction by far - I know this from personal experience -_-. Its kinda like procrastinating - I was told once - People procrastinate because they fear their work may be inadequate or rejected, to some extent, therefore If that does occur after procrastinating on a heavy assignment, then - "oh well, I did pretty good for 2 days of studying."

TGIF - Have a good weekend WF'ers
Most fail because they are...

1) Not taking enough persistent action.

2) Not understanding the basics of usability and conversion optimization.

3) Not split testing.

4) Not scaling.

5) Not diversifying.

6) Not tracking outcomes.

7) Not learning from mistakes.

8) Not asking the right questions.

9) Not picking the right niches.

10) Not seeing things through to the end.

It took two years to get to making a living wage doing what I'm doing.

For two years, everybody around me was basically saying WTF are you doing, you fool. Family, friends, the guy behind the counter at 7-11.

Nobody is saying that anymore.

The bear in the cave in this business is latency. Unless you slung berries back in 2008. Then you made good coin right off. Of course the bear in THAT picture is the FTC. But I digress.