What happened to shawn?

Wow that's one hell of a story. Sounds like a load of BS to me, with all the shit he talked about he should have at least a little proof of it.

My guess is when it comes down to it the guy isn't ever going to be able to produce a single shred of evidence that eBay was telling him to break their rules to earn more commissions in any way possible.

Sounds like the guy is just plain delusional more then anything else and telling himself he heard what he wanted to hear.

He talks about how he didn't care about the huge amounts of money he was making then complained about the fact that he had to pay $50,000 to someone based on a promise. That single complaint right there revealed how much the guy likes his money despite what he might try to claim.
That is some crazy story right there. $1M a month? Damn. People were coming to his house threatening him unless he gave up his eBay knowledge?? His Hummer got stolen? eBay vultures asking him to bring down the Googles? Getting bored of money so they started trying to pay him in private jet flight hours?

W.T.F. man.
That is some crazy story right there. $1M a month? Damn. People were coming to his house threatening him unless he gave up his eBay knowledge?? His Hummer got stolen? eBay vultures asking him to bring down the Googles? Getting bored of money so they started trying to pay him in private jet flight hours?

W.T.F. man.

Hello friend,

That just day normal in life of super affiliate.

Good luck bro
"everytime they sent me monies i cringed....noes, not moar monies...plz - I'M A HUMAN WITH REAL FEELINGS. Why are you doing this to me Ebay?!

It was truly a traumatic experience, one I'll never forget.

And E-bay didn't care. They didn't care one bit. They knew they had me by the balls because they had my bank account and routing number.

They were sending me all the money they wanted! Shit. I was fucked.

What was I going to do? I had to come up with a plan...

...a plan so they would stop sending me so much money...

Private jet hours! Yes, that was the ticket. LULZ! Finally, freedom!"
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Not all of that story is false, though I don't but the "I wanted out" bit for a second

I also bet he has some evidence knowimg some of those who he mentions in that
Crazy and interesting story. It's a little hard to tell what the truth is though. Seems like maybe the eBay employees got paid more if affiliates made more money, so they were oking the cooking stuffing and other stuff. It was clearing against the program rules though, so I guess eBay does have grounds to sue. But criminal charges? idk...

I wonder if Shoemoney will say anything on this. I know he was a major player in the eBay affiliate program with the AuctionAds and all.
Crazy and interesting story. It's a little hard to tell what the truth is though. Seems like maybe the eBay employees got paid more if affiliates made more money, so they were oking the cooking stuffing and other stuff. It was clearing against the program rules though, so I guess eBay does have grounds to sue. But criminal charges? idk...

I wonder if Shoemoney will say anything on this. I know he was a major player in the eBay affiliate program with the AuctionAds and all.

He has done a post about it. I would have read it, but he has some dumb redirect BS going on where you click on a post and it sends you to a landing page for one of his products.
He has done a post about it. I would have read it, but he has some dumb redirect BS going on where you click on a post and it sends you to a landing page for one of his products.

Looks like he just posted what was on Shawn's blog without saying much about it.
"everytime they sent me monies i cringed....noes, not moar monies...plz - I'M A HUMAN WITH REAL FEELINGS. Why are you doing this to me Ebay?!

It was truly a traumatic experience, one I'll never forget.

And E-bay didn't care. They didn't care one bit. They knew they had me by the balls because they had my bank account and routing number.

They were sending me all the money they wanted! Shit. I was fucked.

What was I going to do? I had to come up with a plan...

...a plan so they would stop sending me so much money...

Private jet hours! Yes, that was the ticket. LULZ! Finally, freedom!"

Haaahaaahaaaa. Nice summary.
Nickycakes, asked if his lawyer knew he posted that. That's what I was thinking.

See the shitty thing about a federal case is, if you lose in court you get rammed in the ass at sentencing. So 90% of the cases plea out.

He's going to go before a jury of his peers, his peers are going to be making 30-70k a year. He's going to be guilty as soon as they hear 15million dollars.
They're going to resent him, and convict him.
Most of all the feds need to keep making examples of people like Shawn so sheeple continue to feel comfortable using and buying shit on the Internet. "Move along, nothing to see here. Go buy some more shit from amazon, we've locked up all the bad guys. The internets are still safe."
Yeah everything about that story sounded like a straight up lie. I could maybe buy the fact that ebay would encourage their top affiliates to "spam more" because they do make a shit load of money off of that. Ebay behind the scenes has probably been close to being on life support and they are trying to do anything they can to stay on top.

I hope ebay dies off pretty fast. I forgot how corrupt and shitty that company has gotten untill i sold two things on there about 2 weeks ago totaling 500$. Besides paypal fees which was like 15$... Ebay hits me with a 60$ sellers fee on top of all the listing fees you pay up front which probably was like 70$ all together. Fuck ebay and good riddens.
Yeah everything about that story sounded like a straight up lie.

there are 2 sides to every story..... and never underestimate what some average joe making $60-100k/year will do if they identify an opportunity to double this or more by playing games.

PARTS of that story are absolutely true, how much I have no idea.
It sounds like everyone was trying to get a piece of the money and was willing to put Shawn in danger to get it. I'm not sure I believe that he was resisting as much as he says he was, but I believe him that eBay told him that the TOS were a facade and that he should experiment with gray areas, etc.