What happened to shawn?


New member
Dec 21, 2009
Anybody knows what happed to Shawn Hogan?
any latest news? i have heard that dp has lost their adsense account,so they are implementing their own advertising campaign.

Why the fuck would anyone here know or give a fuck about anything @ DP. Why don't you go to DP and ask there? Thinking outside of the box, I know.
Hogan is busy having a minor op to have his asshole stitched up.

He needs the deluxe job which takes longer to heal - ordinary stitching won't take the strain his skinny ass will face in the slammer
Everybody is talking about him everywhere. He will have to sell his forum to pay the attorney fees etc. Though it is already dieing slowly but I think without him the forum will be boring and it will die much quickly.
Shawn is actually a cool guy if you meet him. His forum went to shit in recent years (since the whole ebay thing). Odds are somehow this whole thing will end up being dismissed/drop or something else stupid.
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lies. feeding everyone bullshit.

In June of 2007, my affiliation with eBay ended. And truthfully, I was very happy about it (in the previous year, nearly every communication I had with eBay, I would bring up the fact I didn't want to participate in the eBay affiliate program any longer), so it was an easy way out without them begging/pleading that I stay in the program "just a little longer".

eBay knew I was not driven by the money

if he was not driven by the money and he wanted to leave every fucking time. why DIDNT he do so?
"and would actually pay me whatever I wanted from their black budget to "hurt Google in any way I can"" + "Maybe you could figure out a way to take down Google datacenters somehow?"...

my paranoia alarm bells would've been sounding off like crazy at that meeting. Sounds like a fucking entrapment attempt.