what Ezines do you get and read regularly

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
I get loads, web related and not, but the only one I really read at the moment is earlytorise and and the regular updates from affiliate programs and Allan Gardyne's Affiliate Program News

Actually I also get the sitepoint one and do read that. Also the sitepoint techy one from kevin yank, but muc of that is beyond the sort of programming I do.
I'm subscribed to a bunch of them, but read only Allan Gardyne's and Early To Rise every time they arrive.
I like Rosalind Gardner's Net Profits Today: http://netprofitstoday.com/

She's down to earth and gives great affiliate marketing advice, plus she doesn't send it out too often, so it's always a pleasant surprise to see it in my inbox. How many other ezines can you say that for? :p
I used to subscribe to a few but I stopped reading them, simply not enough time.
I always wondered why they called them ezines and not newsletters.. it's the same damn thing, and ezines always sounded so spammy and shady.
I get a few but have yet to read through them... I actually tend to read the magazines I get... on the can of course
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