What does your daily schedule look like?

9. 3:31 PM, my womern walks in, I bitch about how hard the day was, she does the same. She goes and sits on the couch with her laptop, and then I start my work day. She thinks I work 14 hour days, I get to have my dick off time alone, win/win.

inb4 thehobbster finds out his woman has a WF account
Wake up, check e-mails/sales/VA's bump threads (1 hr)
Eat breakfast
Go to Spanish school (4 hrs)
Process all orders - send new tasks to VAs
Check stats
Go for a run
Make and eat lunch
Work on new projects
Bump threads
Read a story and go to sleep

I just finished Aladdin, it's in Spanish but it has an English translation. I realized after two pages I was just reading the English because I wanted to know what happened to my homeboy.
9-12 PM - wake up
12- 2pm - GYM
2PM to 5pm - sext dwight
5pm-2am - get drunk
2am - 9am - pass out somewhere
1. wake up at 1pm
2. check pings of my gfs on Whats app
3. breakfast/lunch whatever lol
4. office from 2pm - 8 pm
5. 8:30-9:30 gym
6. 10pm dinner
7. 11pm again online..
8. work till 3 am
9. FAP
10. Sleep!
identify evergreen/productive activities and best practices then just focus on getting better at said activities/practices.
  1. Wake up at ~8-9am
  2. Shower, get into office for ~9.30 -> 10am
  3. Check email, fb, wf, skype, catch up on threads/skype chats/whatever
  4. Check up on clients' sites / marketing, stats and so forth. Do a different selection each day. Look out for anything weird, look into weird things. ~11am -> 12pm
  5. Work on my own sites/campaigns/etc 12pm -> 2pm
  6. Grab lunch, 2pm -> 2.30pm
  7. 2.30pm -> 6pm work on client projects/my own projects depending on what needs doing
  8. Leave office ~6pm, head home mon/wed/fri, head to gym tue/thur
  9. Chill out / do whatever (or gym) until ~7-7.30pm
  10. Eat dinner
  11. Do a bit more work on client projects/my own stuff, again depending on time
  12. Watch a bit of tv for a couple hours, go out and play poker on mon/thurs night
  13. Do a bit more work if needed, go to bed ~1am-2am

Friday -> Sunday is entirely up in the air, I try not to work too much at the weekends, although do get drawn into it occasionally. Usually somewhere between chilling out/seeing people and drinking too much. I tend to have skype/fb chat open for much of the day most days and respond to the odd message or whatever during that time too.

Client meetings can royally fuck the day up too, especially when they decide something needs to be discussed for a million hours and they disagree with my stance on something.
  1. Wake up at ~8-9am
  2. Shower, get into office for ~9.30 -> 10am
  3. Check email, fb, wf, skype, catch up on threads/skype chats/whatever
  4. Check up on clients' sites / marketing, stats and so forth. Do a different selection each day. Look out for anything weird, look into weird things. ~11am -> 12pm
  5. Work on my own sites/campaigns/etc 12pm -> 2pm
  6. Grab lunch, 2pm -> 2.30pm
  7. 2.30pm -> 6pm work on client projects/my own projects depending on what needs doing
  8. Leave office ~6pm, head home mon/wed/fri, head to gym tue/thur
  9. Chill out / do whatever (or gym) until ~7-7.30pm
  10. Eat dinner
  11. Do a bit more work on client projects/my own stuff, again depending on time
  12. Watch a bit of tv for a couple hours, go out and play poker on mon/thurs night
  13. Do a bit more work if needed, go to bed ~1am-2am

Friday -> Sunday is entirely up in the air, I try not to work too much at the weekends, although do get drawn into it occasionally. Usually somewhere between chilling out/seeing people and drinking too much. I tend to have skype/fb chat open for much of the day most days and respond to the odd message or whatever during that time too.

Client meetings can royally fuck the day up too, especially when they decide something needs to be discussed for a million hours and they disagree with my stance on something.

Are you satisfied with the overall experience with clients? Is it worth it ? Do you tend to have a 50% - 50% time balance between clients work and your own projects ?
Are you satisfied with the overall experience with clients? Is it worth it ? Do you tend to have a 50% - 50% time balance between clients work and your own projects ?

I quite enjoy the client work I do. I'm very upfront with clients when telling them exactly what I can do for them/how much of my time they'll have and so forth though, in order to make sure I'm not picking up clients that'll try and micro manage me.

The work balance varies, I couldn't put an exact figure on it, I have no idea. I just do things as and when.
1. Check email/PMs.
2. Start work at 8 am.
3. Write articles until 1 pm.
4. Play games the rest of the day.
1- Wake at 7am
2- At uni some study and lots of fun
3- Back home at 2
4- sleep till 5
5- after waking up some work
6- skype and forum stuff
7- some hang out with friends
9 back to bed
1- Wake at 7am
2- At uni some study and lots of fun
3- Back home at 2
4- sleep till 5
5- after waking up some work
6- skype and forum stuff
7- some hang out with friends
9 back to bed

I have an idea how to partially free you from #6.
Wake up.
Write code with all sorts of flow for a few hours.
Check stats.
Go out / go for a walk.
Idly think about current / future projects. Sometimes even involves a notebook.
Maybe fly somewhere?
Age : 25
Country : France

Work (usually 5 days) :
Wake up (~9 am) --> shower --> breakfast --> fap --> eat --> work --> videogames/fap/TV --> eat --> videogames/fap/TV --> sleep

Weekends :
Wake up (eventually) --> eat --> videogames/fap/TV -> eat --> videogames/fap/TV --> eat --> videogames/fap/TV --> eat --> videogames/fap/TV --> sleep

I'm so much fun !
Wake up - 6 am
Take a shower
Prayer, meditation, yoga, etc - 1 hour
Turn on computer - check Quora, FB, WF, etc (30 min)
Go to the university (research lab)
Do the academic research work. (IM work too for some time - 1h) Meanwhile, check Quora, FB, WF, etc (30 min).
Have evening shower.
Prayers, meditation int the evening - 45 minutes
After 6 or 7pm - It depends.

(Not for Weekends)

You forgot KP :love-smiley-083:
Wake up 8.15, check stats, email, fb, etc.

9.30am shower/breakfast

10am start work on my seo clients, if much work needs doing. If not, muck around some more.

12pm lunch

12.30pm work on my own projects with a side dose of refresh stats. Spent 2 hours on my stats today because I was having a massive day.. got sidetracked.

6pm stop and get ready to socialise. if no socialising, keep working till bed time, OR watch downloaded tv.