What does your daily schedule look like?


agent provocateur
Apr 28, 2010
In the shadows
Since we all know establishing routines and habits is essential to being productive I thought we'd share our daily schedules and discuss.

1. Wake up
2. Check how many likes received on WickedFire
3. Troll
4. ????
5. Sleep
1. Wake up
2. Tell ShadowCaster he will check how many likes he received on WickedFire later on and to come back to bed
3. Sex
4. ????
5. Sleep
0. Plan out my entire day for all the work I want to do on my authority sites before I go to bed.

1. Wake up with the Lady at 6:30 am, she goes to work.

2. I fall back asleep for two hours but tell her how hard I've been working the whole time.

3. Get up, take the dog to pee and crap and then feed him and the cat.

4. Sit down to do all my plans on step 0, stop immediatley and proceed to step 5

5. Launch Skype and STS.....

6.. Realize it's 1:30 PM, I shower and brush my teeth to help support the lie of me working all day

7. Play Diablo III until 3:25 PM.

8. 3:30 PM. Maximize all my excel files, load up some random stuff from my RSS feed, and turn off Diablo.

9. 3:31 PM, my womern walks in, I bitch about how hard the day was, she does the same. She goes and sits on the couch with her laptop, and then I start my work day. She thinks I work 14 hour days, I get to have my dick off time alone, win/win.
This week has been pretty much fucked up but it's the same every day

- wake up at 1PM
- check for WF likes
- start refreshing network stats every 5 minutes (this lasts the whole day)
- watch series/movies
- grab a beer with a friend
- build a campaign
- get drunk

This week has been pretty much fucked up but it's the same every day

- wake up at 1PM
- check for WF likes
- start refreshing network stats every 5 minutes (this lasts the whole day)
- watch series/movies
- grab a beer with a friend
- build a campaign
- get drunk


You're going to live to 100.
- wake up, 20 min meditation, 30 minute run, eat, shower
- check wickedfire for any good threads
- get started on my intricately planned out tasks based on thing 'system' from reading all these books - brian tracy, power of habit etc
- finish all the stuff on the list, then read for 2-4 hours, a combination of leisure reading and self-development and or business
- feel extremely accomplished that i finally beat the procrastination monster and IM GETTING SO MUCH STUFF DONE YAY
- have a snack ( protein, fruit, some carbs w/ water and or coconut water)
- have existential crisis: realize no matter what i do I'm probably running in circles and most of the people i know are eons ahead of me in everything. no matter what skill i try to acquire i realize someones life is 100x better than mine and they dont even worry about that useless skill
-have another snack
- type on 750words.com to feel better
- play chess for an hour or so, win a few lose a few, then go on tilt and lose 75 in a row resigning after losing a pawn
- listen to podcasts or watch videos from youtube channels i subscribe to until i get tired enough to go to sleep
- wake up do it again
1) Wake up hungover
1.5) Fap
2) Watch Netflix for 2-3 hours
2.5) Fap
3) By this time, I'm really hungry so I shower or something
3.5) Fap
4) Go to a greasy spoon and eat
4.5) Fap
5) Race home in hopes of not shitting my pants/check stats on phone
5.5) Fap
6) Do nothing for another 5-6 hours
6.5) Fap
7) Refresh stats again
7.5) Fap
8) Think about where I'm going to drink later
8.5) Fap
9) It's pretty much a blackout after that
9.5) Fap at the bar
10) Profit.

We work in a hell of an industry.
you guys check for WF likes but I get mad when I get a like notification. I think its a new private message and I think I'm popular but then it's just pewep liking a post of mine.
Wake up

Turn on computer

Hit the can

Check email

Log into skype

Do some work (30 min to 1 hour) - right now, update database with sales receipt data, approvals etc.

Check Wickedfire for Likes/PMs/thread updates (5 mins to 1 hour)

Check my own forum for crisis (2 mins)

Check EconomicPolicyJournal, LewRockwell.com and Facebook (total 15 mins)

Answer emails (5 - 20 mins)

Chat on skype a bit, catch up on chats (variable)

Play with dogs (5 or 10 mins)

Eat breakfast (15 ~ 30 mins)

After that, the day is a toss up. Depends what is going on.

On Saturday, I don't work until around 1:00 in the afternoon, I spend the morning with family and grocery shopping.
Wake up - 6 am
Take a shower
Prayer, meditation, yoga, etc - 1 hour
Turn on computer - check Quora, FB, WF, etc (30 min)
Go to the university (research lab)
Do the academic research work. (IM work too for some time - 1h) Meanwhile, check Quora, FB, WF, etc (30 min).
Have evening shower.
Prayers, meditation int the evening - 45 minutes
After 6 or 7pm - It depends.

(Not for Weekends)
1. Wake up
2. Check how many likes received on WickedFire
3. Refresh threads until Suddenly_Ass shows up
4. ????
5. Sleep

1. Wake up
2. Check how many likes received on WickedFire
3. Troll
4. ????
5. Sleep

1. Wake up
2. Tell ShadowCaster he will check how many likes he received on WickedFire later on and to come back to bed
3. Sex
4. ????
5. Sleep

0. Plan out my entire day for all the work I want to do on my authority sites before I go to bed.

1. Wake up with the Lady at 6:30 am, she goes to work.

2. I fall back asleep for two hours but tell her how hard I've been working the whole time.

3. Get up, take the dog to pee and crap and then feed him and the cat.

4. Sit down to do all my plans on step 0, stop immediatley and proceed to step 5

5. Launch Skype and STS.....

6.. Realize it's 1:30 PM, I shower and brush my teeth to help support the lie of me working all day

7. Play Diablo III until 3:25 PM.

8. 3:30 PM. Maximize all my excel files, load up some random stuff from my RSS feed, and turn off Diablo.

9. 3:31 PM, my womern walks in, I bitch about how hard the day was, she does the same. She goes and sits on the couch with her laptop, and then I start my work day. She thinks I work 14 hour days, I get to have my dick off time alone, win/win.

This week has been pretty much fucked up but it's the same every day

- wake up at 1PM
- check for WF likes
- start refreshing network stats every 5 minutes (this lasts the whole day)
- watch series/movies
- grab a beer with a friend
- build a campaign
- get drunk


- wake up, 20 min meditation, 30 minute run, eat, shower
- check wickedfire for any good threads
- get started on my intricately planned out tasks based on thing 'system' from reading all these books - brian tracy, power of habit etc
- finish all the stuff on the list, then read for 2-4 hours, a combination of leisure reading and self-development and or business
- feel extremely accomplished that i finally beat the procrastination monster and IM GETTING SO MUCH STUFF DONE YAY
- have a snack ( protein, fruit, some carbs w/ water and or coconut water)
- have existential crisis: realize no matter what i do I'm probably running in circles and most of the people i know are eons ahead of me in everything. no matter what skill i try to acquire i realize someones life is 100x better than mine and they dont even worry about that useless skill
-have another snack
- type on 750words.com to feel better
- play chess for an hour or so, win a few lose a few, then go on tilt and lose 75 in a row resigning after losing a pawn
- listen to podcasts or watch videos from youtube channels i subscribe to until i get tired enough to go to sleep
- wake up do it again

1) Wake up hungover
1.5) Fap
2) Watch Netflix for 2-3 hours
2.5) Fap
3) By this time, I'm really hungry so I shower or something
3.5) Fap
4) Go to a greasy spoon and eat
4.5) Fap
5) Race home in hopes of not shitting my pants/check stats on phone
5.5) Fap
6) Do nothing for another 5-6 hours
6.5) Fap
7) Refresh stats again
7.5) Fap
8) Think about where I'm going to drink later
8.5) Fap
9) It's pretty much a blackout after that
9.5) Fap at the bar
10) Profit.

We work in a hell of an industry.

Wake up

Turn on computer

Hit the can

Check email

Log into skype

Do some work (30 min to 1 hour) - right now, update database with sales receipt data, approvals etc.

Check Wickedfire for Likes/PMs/thread updates (5 mins to 1 hour)

Check my own forum for crisis (2 mins)

Check EconomicPolicyJournal, LewRockwell.com and Facebook (total 15 mins)

Answer emails (5 - 20 mins)

Chat on skype a bit, catch up on chats (variable)

Play with dogs (5 or 10 mins)

Eat breakfast (15 ~ 30 mins)

After that, the day is a toss up. Depends what is going on.

On Saturday, I don't work until around 1:00 in the afternoon, I spend the morning with family and grocery shopping.

Wake up - 6 am
Take a shower
Prayer, meditation, yoga, etc - 1 hour
Turn on computer - check Quora, FB, WF, etc (30 min)
Go to the university (research lab)
Do the academic research work. (IM work too for some time - 1h) Meanwhile, check Quora, FB, WF, etc (30 min).
Have evening shower.
Prayers, meditation int the evening - 45 minutes
After 6 or 7pm - It depends.

(Not for Weekends)

  • wake up
  • pop a viarga
  • fap
  • dick still hard
  • check out STS hoping someone post a DR so i can cum
  • cum and feel guilty
  • work on campaigns
  • eat
  • sleep

What they said.

Fuck I'm drunk.
sleep till 2

reach over to laptop and hit f5 to see how much monies ive made

snooze till 2:20

smoke a big fat bowl

hop in the benz, go pick up some breakfast anytime at jack n the box

come home, play with the dog.

hit f5 on stats, smile

check FB, WF

smoke more weed

check FB

Black Ops 2 & weed for hours

F5 stats - did i really just make money while playing xbox live?

cook something for lunch.

smoke weed

take dog for walk

come home, check stats

there's more to this story im sure but im high right now and i dont feel like articulating anymore
1. Wake up
2. Check how many likes received on WickedFire
3. Refresh threads until Suddenly_Ass shows up
4. ????
5. Sleep

Thanks for making me laugh. :D
