What do you use to send and recieve faxes?

kall8.com dirt fucking cheap and since I get faxes maybe once a year, perfect. Works fine, website looks like it was pooped out of template monster in 1998 though.
^^^I use kall8 to put 800 numbers on a couple sites to make them seem legit. They are coo. The voicemails go into the abyss.

As far as faxing, I just hit up one of my 9-5 women, email them the doc, tell them to forge my sig and where to fax it. Highly recommended.
It's 2013. I fax. I Popfax :))
Try Popfax.com - I use it, like it, share it. And it's cheap. And comfy. And I even can install it on my mobile. And... shall I continue?)
Ugh, I send at least 1 fax almost every single day. Not sure what you guys all do for a living. But here, I have a shitload of contracts constantly coming in and out.

Either way, I use a fax machine. I find it more convenient to have it just print it out right as its received. Sending is easier too.
Hello friend,

I use fax machine for send and receive fax.

Good luck bro
