What do you think of programming vs VA

What would you do

  • Hire VA

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fuckin with the big G
Aug 17, 2011
We all know tools are great, but not the ones that are offered for sale and I know some of you have your own shit. Recently I tried ubot, but the fucker is so fucking buggy I got pissed. Now I am looking at something called AUTOIT and was wondering if it is worth learning and then maybe go to C and C++. I have a long way to go, so year or two might be a long way, should I do everything some manual and grey hat ? Should I save money and hire someone ? VA's are fucking dumb and I find it frustrating to work with them. I could probably find someone for much hire monthly salary, but can't afford it. So I am confused... What would you suggest and why ?

For the most stuff automating is way better, but then again I might be slightly biased :D
Most real businesses leverage automation rather than VAs.

If you have to involve humans, make sure there is some decision making capacity because if it is just straight virtual labor (click X, screenshot Y, paste Z), you can always script that.
I used to use and love autohotkey and autoit for botting in video games. Doing that got me interested in programming. But it depends on your experience.
A year ago I also needed to either hire people to do stuff or to automate it. I purchased ubot and zennoposter, learned to work with both of them and found out they are both just buggy shits.

I ended up hiring a guy who coded some custom made C# scrapers/bots for me. Works like a charm till now.
Depends on what you want to do.

uBot, WinAutomation, AutoIT, etc... are all buggy (to an extent), but for quick prototyping, or if you don't know how to program, I recommend them.

Fuck that, I use them because I am too lazy to jump through all the hoops at times.

BUt if you need something longer term or if performance is an issue (very unlikely, but it happens with bigger projects), code something nice.

I forgot to add, I also started to learn ruby/C# after I found out that ubot and zenno are shitty. After a few weeks of learning I got a simple bot together, but if you are an aspiring entrepreneur like me it is just not worth the time to do this work when you can pay someone for doing it and think about new ideas and projects instead.
Most real businesses leverage automation rather than VAs.

If you have to involve humans, make sure there is some decision making capacity because if it is just straight virtual labor (click X, screenshot Y, paste Z), you can always script that.
I just find it hard to leverage, I think I need more experience and more time for it. Thanks
Depends on what you want to do.

uBot, WinAutomation, AutoIT, etc... are all buggy (to an extent), but for quick prototyping, or if you don't know how to program, I recommend them.

Fuck that, I use them because I am too lazy to jump through all the hoops at times.

BUt if you need something longer term or if performance is an issue (very unlikely, but it happens with bigger projects), code something nice.

Thanks, will give another look at this.
I forgot to add, I also started to learn ruby/C# after I found out that ubot and zenno are shitty. After a few weeks of learning I got a simple bot together, but if you are an aspiring entrepreneur like me it is just not worth the time to do this work when you can pay someone for doing it and think about new ideas and projects instead.
Thats how I feel it, but then again, this strange feeling creeps in,what if he decides to steal it ? If I where someone who could do some coding, I would lurk around the forums and just solve people problems and get paid for it, or just use outsource bords and look for interesting project that could lead into money maker if I can steal it :)

I think I just think too much sometimes, just DO it as it says in this post . Great read btw and thank you all for your time and input.
I forgot to add, I also started to learn ruby/C# after I found out that ubot and zenno are shitty. After a few weeks of learning I got a simple bot together, but if you are an aspiring entrepreneur like me it is just not worth the time to do this work when you can pay someone for doing it and think about new ideas and projects instead.

Perhaps you're right, but I don't see how it would hurt to add more qualifiable skills besides 'entrepreneuring'.

There's been so many times where I've gotten a good idea but things never materialized because I didn't know where to begin or what to actually ask in terms of technical demands from a coder. I like to think that if I had been able to code, I could have done some quick prototyping and get it rolling.

Or personally for me, because I have to be honest that I will probably never the guy who is great at organizing stuff and managing people, so for entrepreneural purposes, it would be better to at least know the technical side of the biz.
That's a bit of a jump, why not choose something higher level?

But it depends, you can always hire programmers, doing it yourself vs hiring VAs aren't the only two options.

I see coding something similar to web design, from html to css, to php and so on.

I think autoit is a bit more technical than ubot or zenno, so 1 step at the time. Now if I learn autoit and move on from there, how long will it take to get decent at c/c++.

I like to do some math befero I jump into something. Now VA costs 120-600. 120 is dumb monkey that have to click this and that and scrape and do this or this. Simple tasks. Now for 12 months I gotta have someone that's 300-350$ range. So my total is 1440-4500. What can I afford for this amount of money?

Sorry for double posting it :)
If you are going to do proper automation programming, learn python, ruby or c#.

C and C++ are too low level.
The chances of you finding a competent coder for a few hundred dollars a month are so low that this is a moot point. Either learn to code or learn to live without it.

And jumping from AUTOIT to C doesn't make any sense. Like mattseh said, learn python/ruby/c#/maybe even javascript nowadays.