What do Shoemoney, ProBlogger and Britney Spears have in common?

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I dunno, I think it was from some restaurant he was at - the panda was obviously a stuffed toy.

I just thought it provided a perfect conclusion to the post :).


heheheh That's classic...

Just out of interest, what's the deal with Chow and the panda?

If only the guy with the Shoemoney's DP tattoo actually just said "DP", instead of being the banner... Then we could have made jokes about anal! The world is too cruel sometimes.

I'm just wondering what they guy with the tats is going to do when he reaches that level of knowledge and he realizes what a douche his idols are. Someone should alert the suicide hotline in his area.
Good linkbait post. But aside from the crotches it was only mildly amusing to me.
The stupid thing about DPs bans is that you can get around them by deleting the cookie and hitting "enable" on TOR... Sure, you can't login as your old account, but you can go right ahead and make a new one, or just lurk.

I would think most forums are like that. Not too many forums go to the trouble of IP/etc banning like WF
Actually, in SundayBrew's defense, he's a pretty fucking cool guy. At first I also thought he was retarded, and then I did something you guys may want to try. I had phonesex with him... No, I didn't, but I totally could have, he was begging for it!

But in all seriousness, he's a pretty smart guy, he's just into unique and VERY VERY out of the box ideas.

Don't knock him, plus he's a member here and I shoot the shit with him every so often on AIM. He's good peoples. I'd vouch for him anyday.
If you're friends with him, please tell him to shave the 'tache. It ain't doing him no favours...
But Joe's the guy that tried to actually market tattoo based advertising, wasn't he? (as opposed to just random schlubs selling their buns to Nike). That's not just out of the box man... that's thrown away the original packaging and not in good enough condition to eBay.

I'm sure he's a fine person, good to chat to and have a brew with... but tattoo advertising?
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