What do people REALLY think about Marketing?

I don't care how many people are worshipping at his grave. I think he was a shitty comedian. Whenever I watch videos of him I wonder wtf everyone is laughing at.

She's butthurt that she relying on people's generosity for a living.

Waiting tables is a shit tier job.


I've had a couple friends question what I do and give me the typical "your a scumbag" round of BS. All I have to say is fuck em. I love marketing and advertising and if someone has to serve all the fat bastards pills and ebooks then it might as well be me.

I almost feel sorry for the people that throw shit our way because they really have no idea how good we have it and how shitty their tgi fridays existence really is.
Interaction I had at a dinner party the other night:

I usually tell people some bullshit thing about what I do because it's either too hard to explain or people get butthurt about what I do. Usually I tell people I'm a drug dealer or professional boxer, but I was really wasted (and so was everyone else). So, when everyone was telling everyone what they do in life (waiter, waitress, work at Nordstroms, etc.) I told them I was an internet marketer. One particular girl wanted me to elaborate so I mentioned the easiest thing she could relate to and just told her I put Facebook ads on the right side of the page.

Bitch flipped a shit.

"I fucking HATE people like you."

She was being a little belligerent so her friend tried to save some face and said..
"Well you do what you gotta do to make some money."

I explained to her:
"If I wasn't there to pay Facebook employees' salary or server costs you wouldn't have Facebook in general. You should actually be thanking me for helping keep Facebook alive because it wouldn't exist because of people like me."

"I don't FUCKING care. I don't even click on that SHIT anyway, I don't want to see it no more."

My friend, who's an affiliate manager at AKMG and was with me at the party tells her: It's like, you don't have to like the ads. I don't like seeing commercials on TV but I like the TV show we're watching, you should just calm down.

That kind of put her in a stupor and she couldn't really think of anything to say so she ended with a quick:
"Well I fucking hate you anyway."

The worst I've ever been told off by a waitress.

So if you're curious of what the average person thinks of our profession, I present you exhibit A.

I've been around some belligerent people in my life, and have been in plenty of fistfights over frivolous issues. I've never seen someone so enraged over an issue like this. People in general think internet marketers are spammers and scammers and that you don't have a worthy profession.

You're worse than a drug dealer, waiter, janitor, or even a lawyer in the eyes of the average person.

I love this story. It's fun to see how people lose it over trivial things.

When I tell people who might disapprove I would say this: "Q: You are a marketer? How do you sleep at night ?! A: On the pillows full of money"
I don't care how many people are worshipping at his grave. I think he was a shitty comedian. Whenever I watch videos of him I wonder wtf everyone is laughing at.

Yeah. George Carlin was way better.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eScDfYzMEEw]YouTube - George Carlin - Saving the Planet[/ame]
I just tell people i work in online advertising and I own a few websites. Usually if they want to elaborate i'll say something along the lines of i buy media on facebook, google, etc. and generate leads for companies.

granted i personally don't do anything with rebills etc. so even if somebody has been burned i can at least know it wasn't because of me. Funny thing is that I have far more people start asking me about how I got started and if its something they can do, because they are under the impression that I basically chill at the house and screw around on the computer all day.

so maybe I should

1. get business cards with links to biz opp offers
2. hand them out at dinner partys/bars
3. ??????
4. Profit
I just tell people i work in online advertising and I own a few websites. Usually if they want to elaborate i'll say something along the lines of i buy media on facebook, google, etc. and generate leads for companies.

granted i personally don't do anything with rebills etc. so even if somebody has been burned i can at least know it wasn't because of me. Funny thing is that I have far more people start asking me about how I got started and if its something they can do, because they are under the impression that I basically chill at the house and screw around on the computer all day.

so maybe I should

1. get business cards with links to biz opp offers
2. hand them out at dinner partys/bars
3. ??????
4. Profit

lol me too.

i tell people i work in online advertising.

it's just a hassle to explain the shit i do for a living to people over and over again.
The video wasnt highlighting the comedy aspect more the generalization that marketers are generally "evil people"

Maybe in the next 5 years when Internet Marketing is taught in colleges and universities, people will have a better understanding as to why marketing is necessary to keep websites up and running.

Oh and Carlin >>>>> Hicks anyday
The shitty buzz part about it for me, is not the angry reactions or those that accuse me of being a spammer....fuck em anyways, not people I care to or want to associate with.

The aggravating part is all the people that email, facebook message, text me saying they are in need of work, if I can help them out, and basically just asking me to hook them up with "easy" work to make money like I do.

The presumption that anyone can do this and make money is infuriating. I write these people back and ask what experiecne they have, what they can do, what they have done before....and none of them even know what psd or wordpress is.

They just want to be handed the type of stuff I have running now....and completely bypass the steps that I had to fight through to get where I am. Losing $1,000 on my first PPC campaign, staying up alllll night writing 75 $1 articles in order to pay off the bills.

Maybe anyone CAN do this, and maybe anyone CAN be eventually taught...but fuck, at least be willing to put in the sweat, blood, and tears and actually start at the bottom..


end rant
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It's all how you present it to people.

If you say, "I'm an internet marketer", you'll get an entirely different response than if you say "I own an internet marketing company". The "Own" & "Company" give you instant credibility among the sheeple that work shit 9 to 5 jobs. Try it next time and see how people react. Usually you'll get a response like..."You own your own company, that's cool.", and they won't even ask exactly what it is you do. If you say I'm an internet marketer, they probably assume you work for someone else and then they hit you with the questions of what does "internet marketer" mean. If you want to avoid the questions, just say you own the company...because it's the truth.
Interaction I had at a dinner party the other night:

I usually tell people some bullshit thing about what I do because it's either too hard to explain or people get butthurt about what I do. Usually I tell people I'm a drug dealer or professional boxer, but I was really wasted (and so was everyone else). So, when everyone was telling everyone what they do in life (waiter, waitress, work at Nordstroms, etc.) I told them I was an internet marketer. One particular girl wanted me to elaborate so I mentioned the easiest thing she could relate to and just told her I put Facebook ads on the right side of the page.

Bitch flipped a shit.

"I fucking HATE people like you."

She was being a little belligerent so her friend tried to save some face and said..
"Well you do what you gotta do to make some money."

I explained to her:
"If I wasn't there to pay Facebook employees' salary or server costs you wouldn't have Facebook in general. You should actually be thanking me for helping keep Facebook alive because it wouldn't exist because of people like me."

"I don't FUCKING care. I don't even click on that SHIT anyway, I don't want to see it no more."

My friend, who's an affiliate manager at AKMG and was with me at the party tells her: It's like, you don't have to like the ads. I don't like seeing commercials on TV but I like the TV show we're watching, you should just calm down.

That kind of put her in a stupor and she couldn't really think of anything to say so she ended with a quick:
"Well I fucking hate you anyway."

The worst I've ever been told off by a waitress.

So if you're curious of what the average person thinks of our profession, I present you exhibit A.

I've been around some belligerent people in my life, and have been in plenty of fistfights over frivolous issues. I've never seen someone so enraged over an issue like this. People in general think internet marketers are spammers and scammers and that you don't have a worthy profession.

You're worse than a drug dealer, waiter, janitor, or even a lawyer in the eyes of the average person.

cool story, but I still hate you!
I started using: I buy media space for companies.

Generally, people hate the word "marketing/marketer".
The shitty buzz part about it for me, is not the angry reactions or those that accuse me of being a spammer....fuck em anyways, not people I care to or want to associate with.

The aggravating part is all the people that email, facebook message, text me saying they are in need of work, if I can help them out, and basically just asking me to hook them up with "easy" work to make money like I do.

The presumption that anyone can do this and make money is infuriating. I write these people back and ask what experiecne they have, what they can do, what they have done before....and none of them even know what psd or wordpress is.

They just want to be handed the type of stuff I have running now....and completely bypass the steps that I had to fight through to get where I am. Losing $1,000 on my first PPC campaign, staying up alllll night writing 75 $1 articles in order to pay off the bills.

Maybe anyone CAN do this, and maybe anyone CAN be eventually taught...but fuck, at least be willing to put in the sweat, blood, and tears and actually start at the bottom..


end rant

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