What do people REALLY think about Marketing?


New member
Dec 10, 2010
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDW_Hj2K0wo"]YouTube - Bill Hicks on Marketing[/ame]
What percentage of people really think like this? Im sure most people realize you can use marketing for promoting shit products as well as useful services.

Still you have to wonder what are the preconceived notions people have when you first tell them you are a marketer.:stonedsmilie:

Interaction I had at a dinner party the other night:

I usually tell people some bullshit thing about what I do because it's either too hard to explain or people get butthurt about what I do. Usually I tell people I'm a drug dealer or professional boxer, but I was really wasted (and so was everyone else). So, when everyone was telling everyone what they do in life (waiter, waitress, work at Nordstroms, etc.) I told them I was an internet marketer. One particular girl wanted me to elaborate so I mentioned the easiest thing she could relate to and just told her I put Facebook ads on the right side of the page.

Bitch flipped a shit.

"I fucking HATE people like you."

She was being a little belligerent so her friend tried to save some face and said..
"Well you do what you gotta do to make some money."

I explained to her:
"If I wasn't there to pay Facebook employees' salary or server costs you wouldn't have Facebook in general. You should actually be thanking me for helping keep Facebook alive because it wouldn't exist because of people like me."

"I don't FUCKING care. I don't even click on that SHIT anyway, I don't want to see it no more."

My friend, who's an affiliate manager at AKMG and was with me at the party tells her: It's like, you don't have to like the ads. I don't like seeing commercials on TV but I like the TV show we're watching, you should just calm down.

That kind of put her in a stupor and she couldn't really think of anything to say so she ended with a quick:
"Well I fucking hate you anyway."

The worst I've ever been told off by a waitress.

So if you're curious of what the average person thinks of our profession, I present you exhibit A.

I've been around some belligerent people in my life, and have been in plenty of fistfights over frivolous issues. I've never seen someone so enraged over an issue like this. People in general think internet marketers are spammers and scammers and that you don't have a worthy profession.

You're worse than a drug dealer, waiter, janitor, or even a lawyer in the eyes of the average person.
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The worst I've ever been told off by a waitress.

So if you're curious of what the average person thinks of our profession, I present you exhibit A.
Well that's fair, I guess.

I feel the same about the average facebook user. :thumbsup:

. People in general think internet marketers are spammers and scammers and that you don't have a worthy profession.

You're worse than a drug dealer, waiter, janitor, or even a lawyer in the eyes of the average person.
Us ->:love-smiley-083:<-average people

They're just jealous cause first we got the money, then we got the power, and you know, then we generally got the women... :tongue2:
This is the best profession in the world in my opinion. Ability to make as much money as you want as long as you work hard and be innovative (most jobs, there is little reward for working harder or making real changes). Ability to work from home. Easy to get paid (weeklies, good luck with that in most other businesses) and have a variety of partners to choose from (apply to aff networks.). Everyone goes buckwild at the conferences and spends a bunch of money on partying. Doesn't really get much better than this. Of course it's not a profession like being a doctor that earns you inherent respect. Mostly just hate from other people. But let me just reference Ricky Ross and end it with a:

"... I never needed acceptance from all you outsiders."
Seriously, I would have said:

"What are you, like, Four?

Listen up sweetie, in the grown-up world all grown-ups understand that the Internet, TV, radio, and everything you like in general stops existing when no one is paying for them. So most grown-ups thank me for spending the large amounts of money that allows them to leave their cave and stop banging on rocks all day for entertainment.

Now get on your knees and beg forgiveness, toddler."
I usually tell people some bullshit thing about what I do because it's either too hard to explain or people get butthurt about what I do. Usually I tell people I'm a drug dealer or professional boxer,

Thats exactly what Im talking about. Its much easier to make something up or say something other than "marketer" than having to defend yourself. Im sure if I said Im a programmer or website designer there would be less questions from idiot people like the girl you had the pleasure of meeting :disgust:

On the other hand if you actually talk to smart people and explain what you do, they generally are interested in learning more....

So before you tell people what you do you have to know who you are talking to...
lol a year ago I really pissed off a girl cause I told her I put ads on Facebook.

Conversation went like this:
Her: "wait so how are you making money?"
Me: "uh... I advertise websites on Facebook"
Her: "you mean like those Twilight ads I see?"
Me "yeah, sure" (I was actually doing Twilight IQ ads at the time)

She then flipped out and wouldn't talk to me for a while. I later checked and found that her interests/age/etc. all matched up several ads I had. So I'm pretty sure she got rebilled by one of my Twilight ads lol.

Now I have a couple whitehat sites I can point people to if they ask me what I do.
Haha Bill Hicks is awesome. Doesn't care for our profession but I can't completely take fault with what he's saying. None of us are trying to cure cancer, we are in this for the money, it is what it is. Here is one of my favorite clips of his -

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRkA6zugNMQ"]YouTube - Bill Hicks - Play From Your Fucking Heart[/ame]
One way to avoid the aforementioned spammer conversation is to just say "I own and operate several websites".

Completely agree- the few people I've mentioned facebook ads to, they immediately change their whole perspective of you in less than 5 seconds, it's actually quite funny.
Such a shame about Bill Hicks...

I hated marketing before I got involved. I was one of those douche bags who thought I was clever because I could pick-a-part what you were trying to get me to do. Light bulb moment didn't come until many years later.

For a person like me who was addicted to Everquest and then World of Warcraft for many years, the moment you approach IM from an MMORPG perspective, it becomes a game and a new addiction.

It appeals to the worst in people like me with a big gamer ego for being in the top guild (making money) and getting server firsts (being top of Google).

IM is the best mmo by far and I'm a one man guild taking down The Sleeper (with exploits of course).
lol a year ago I really pissed off a girl cause I told her I put ads on Facebook.

Conversation went like this:
Her: "wait so how are you making money?"
Me: "uh... I advertise websites on Facebook"
Her: "you mean like those Twilight ads I see?"
Me "yeah, sure" (I was actually doing Twilight IQ ads at the time)

She then flipped out and wouldn't talk to me for a while. I later checked and found that her interests/age/etc. all matched up several ads I had. So I'm pretty sure she got rebilled by one of my Twilight ads lol.

Now I have a couple whitehat sites I can point people to if they ask me what I do.

Haha shoulda just said you ran dating ads. It's the example I always use, even though I never have played much in that niche.
I really hate this Bill Hicks act - not because of the act itself, but because of all the self-righteous adblock using smarmy reddit users that quote it all the time.
Interaction I had at a dinner party the other night:

I usually tell people some bullshit thing about what I do because it's either too hard to explain or people get butthurt about what I do. Usually I tell people I'm a drug dealer or professional boxer, but I was really wasted (and so was everyone else). So, when everyone was telling everyone what they do in life (waiter, waitress, work at Nordstroms, etc.) I told them I was an internet marketer. One particular girl wanted me to elaborate so I mentioned the easiest thing she could relate to and just told her I put Facebook ads on the right side of the page.

Bitch flipped a shit.

"I fucking HATE people like you."

She was being a little belligerent so her friend tried to save some face and said..
"Well you do what you gotta do to make some money."

I explained to her:
"If I wasn't there to pay Facebook employees' salary or server costs you wouldn't have Facebook in general. You should actually be thanking me for helping keep Facebook alive because it wouldn't exist because of people like me."

"I don't FUCKING care. I don't even click on that SHIT anyway, I don't want to see it no more."

My friend, who's an affiliate manager at AKMG and was with me at the party tells her: It's like, you don't have to like the ads. I don't like seeing commercials on TV but I like the TV show we're watching, you should just calm down.

That kind of put her in a stupor and she couldn't really think of anything to say so she ended with a quick:
"Well I fucking hate you anyway."

The worst I've ever been told off by a waitress.

So if you're curious of what the average person thinks of our profession, I present you exhibit A.

I've been around some belligerent people in my life, and have been in plenty of fistfights over frivolous issues. I've never seen someone so enraged over an issue like this. People in general think internet marketers are spammers and scammers and that you don't have a worthy profession.

You're worse than a drug dealer, waiter, janitor, or even a lawyer in the eyes of the average person.

I'll tell people I send email for a living. If people start bitching I ask them for their email address, because I think they need a larger cock or their husband / boyfriend needs one.

One of two things generally happens after I offer to make their dicks bigger they laugh and think it's funny or they get even more mad and I'll accuse them of needing viagra. I've never actually been hit over it, but I imagine the day will come eventually.
I usually tell people some bullshit thing about what I do because it's either too hard to explain or people get butthurt about what I do.

This! Seriously, why can't i just be an internet marketer, and you say, omg awesome sound totally cool.

But then again, maybe it's a product of my success and this business. I drive nice cars, have big houses, so people are going to ask. So I just be polite and tell them I put up ads on places like google or what not.