What did you do today to build your business?

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I've done so much this week with planning a new niche, executing the beginning phases of getting it launched, and I haven't slept more than four hours a night for the past few days. I don't recommend that though, I am really, really tired.


I finished working on a PHP Script for Miguel
Started slicing up the template for my site
Coded a few more pages in the redesign/recode of getCredit365
Worked on a new template for Surfer101
Worked on an ad campaign a little bit

Posted several blog posts.


Wrote mails and shit to logiik, got pissed about my 9-5 and about logiik.


Almost been a week since i bought my 1st domain and its coming slow.
I stayed up all night working on it and its been fun. 3-4 days of reading and watching tutorials on how to use Dreamweaver and frontpage 2003.
I decided to go with front page due to having a friend thats experienced with it. He hasn't been around much for me to hound on the places im having problems with. I think i like dreamweaver better but i guess its better to stick with 1. Hopefully today i can get the site about 50% done, id be super happy with that. Cheers WF don't work to hard! :sleep:
Dreamweaver Rocks

Hey Hillbilly,

I have been through a ton of web design software and so far dreamweaver has been the best. Very easy to use, lots of additional features. located a great copy of v7 via torrentspy if your interested.

Spose it depends on what sort of sites you make but i find it a lot quicker than all other apps.

my 2c.

Almost been a week since i bought my 1st domain and its coming slow.
I stayed up all night working on it and its been fun. 3-4 days of reading and watching tutorials on how to use Dreamweaver and frontpage 2003.
I decided to go with front page due to having a friend thats experienced with it. He hasn't been around much for me to hound on the places im having problems with. I think i like dreamweaver better but i guess its better to stick with 1. Hopefully today i can get the site about 50% done, id be super happy with that. Cheers WF don't work to hard! :sleep:
Let's see... In the last 24 hours...

- Wrote 5 new blog posts for some new projects.
- Scheduled 3 meetings for the next 2 weeks with potential clients and partners.
- Updated a new site for a client that is in Alpha and will hopefully go live next week.
- Started an article for another client that will be wrapped in the next couple hours.
- Skimmed through some stats to make sure everything is working right.
- Took a few hours off and hung out with a lady friend! :)
- Posted the hell out of one of my forums trying to drum up new-user participation.
I read and read and read all that I could read. I then took a nap got up a bit ago and started reading again.
I read a bunch of shitty 'shooting-the-shit' threads today, along with one or two good posts. Built 4 auto blogs, and called it a day. Basically, I didn't do anything productive. Today sucked now that I think about it.
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