What did you do today to build your business?

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I wrote. And wrote. And wrote. And the only reason that I'm on the forums is to answer PMs. I also did some heavy research on some of my competition. And then I wrote some more.
1. A lot of my projects are e-commerce, so I actually called existing customers to make sure they received their product.

2. I found an affiliate offer that my customer base REALLY needs, and I'm emailing the recommendation to them. Should be an extra $25k to kick June off with.

3. Started working on a corporate blog for my little Marketing firm.

4. Rewrote the sales copy on one of my services websites.

5. Added an "Employment" page on my corporate site to give the look that we're not going anywhere... hopefully it adds some credibility.

6. Got a fuckin haircut, cuz I was starting to look like Bob Ross. That was hurting my business.

7. Put in an order for business cards for my trip to Michigan next week.

I always have fun with these kind of lists so I can take inventory of the shit I do, since there's really no other way to prove it.

Thanks for the thread idea. +REP
I talked to my AM and added a new campaign on a site.

Well I'm just starting my day but my goal is to take it easy, build about 5, maybe 10 wordpress themes, put them in every directory as possible, do some additional link building, then work on a wordpress plugin for a bit.
I used some of the tips and tricks from the member loyalty and education center forums to create some new sites. Its amazing how well those secrets work!
this is the plan once i get home...

work on landing page
launch/test 3 new offers
optimize new campaigns
contact affiliates about testing their offers
I used some of the tips and tricks from the member loyalty and education center forums to create some new sites. Its amazing how well those secrets work!

lol you've been rubbing that section in our faces all day. Did you just get access to it?

Was very close to pulling a all nighter. Finally decided to sleep for 4 hrs then got up checked WF first thing and now im stuck on the Ebook Download's someone posted 12k worth or whatever. Im browsing all of that. Just for some extra information or better explanation on things that I havent came acrossed any were else. 2 weeks ive been studying and and reading and taking notes. Hopeing to buy my first domain later today and get my hands dirty. For the 1st time im excited yet nervous.

Bout to go throw the football with the kids for a reading break.. Us hillbilly's not use to reading alot.:)
I have done some reading and researching how to work with adwords, started at 07:00 am it is now 22:20 PM here i go to bed to get up around 03:30 and start my first new adword campaign.
I just finished a proposal for a sponsored section on my site, it's worth 12K and only takes up a small portion of the home page. I hope the rep can sell this one, it's a perfect fit.
registered 3 new domain, purchased rocket theme for joomla magazine, 50 pics purchased at fotolia, 3 good links exchanged, 25 posts on here and blog and other peeps high traffic blogs , start controversy and make a dust storm and exit in BYA style, so it drives traffic to me, started a peter drucker's a fucker thread, spoke with seo mike 3 times, answered 5 pm's, 20 emails and 10 phone calls and it's only 2pm and i still feel like i didnt get shit done, did I?
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