What CMS do you use?

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
Content is king, but which is the best content management system?

I have part developed a few of my own, to different degrees and to differing success, and would love to have time to develop these further. I like to control that gives over a site.

But to be honest Wordpress works so well, I wonder if it is not just better to set up new sites in wordpress and be done with it.

I use Wordpress pretty much exclusively now. I do have a couple sites I am thinking about switching it up on though.
Currently running my custom cms, but have been looking into doing some modifications to wordpress as an alternative.
I really like the simplicity of etomite.org -- there's also a fork called modx I think.
As an aside, are the folks using a custom cms using one they hand built, commissioned someone to build, or a modified open source one?
Don't have a lot of experience using them but I'm trying out Wordpress as a cms, seems to be ok, wish I could customize it better though.

Used Joomla before and I like that too.
I've used joomla and mambo... hated them both with a passion. Wordpress is great, definiately has it's place. Most of my sites use a custom CMS that I re-write just about everytime i make a site.
kyleirwin said:
I've used joomla and mambo... hated them both with a passion. Wordpress is great, definiately has it's place. Most of my sites use a custom CMS that I re-write just about everytime i make a site.

Isnt (at least part of ) the point of building a cms so that you can resue it though and safe time on future projects
I don't have any websites at the moment, and havn't had in quite some time, however, I would say that for a personal website, CMS' like blogspot are fine.

If your site is focused on one major item, then Custom is the way to go, can manipulate it to suit your website as much as you like. The best part is you've made it yourself.
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