What classes have you taken to help you with programming?

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Resident Post Whore
Jun 24, 2006
I'm getting ready to enroll for next semester.. I've never taken anything to serious, always learned online or what not...

Anyone taken anything that they really put to use?


I learn best on my own. Taking courses just wasted my time. I took beginner and intermediate Java, all of Javascript/DHTML, all of PHP, and beginner Visual Basic.
Just get a couple of good books, and mess around with basic scripts, for me, after a while it just clicked and i understood most of it :D
I took a html class in middle school which got me started. Classes can be useful to get the basics of a language down, but that can also be picked up from a book. The more advanced stuff is usally too specific, and there are too many variants to be covered well in a book or class. Best bet is just to google up what you're tryin' to learn.
i've found that anything to do with theory have been the most useful. really, once you understand programming concepts, you can pick up most any language.

i took a systems analysis and design course which was useful but also something that i found was WAY to many friggin diagrams for simple sites that i do. it would have been more useful if i was writing entire apps from the ground up that were large applications.
My sophmore year of school I took a discrete mathematics course that was probably the most helpful course I have ever taken. No programming at all, but it really improved the way I thought about problems.

While some people may not think school is necassary to learn something, I would disagree. Maybe not web-based stuff, but actual coding and theory you really need to be able to interact and test and apply what you learn.
VinSVT said:
I'm getting ready to enroll for next semester.. I've never taken anything to serious, always learned online or what not...

Anyone taken anything that they really put to use?
I was forced to learn classes in c++ (no pun intended)... the professors forcefully taught me to reuse my code.
I'm a believer in the teach yourself method and get support from forums when your stuck on something or need more clarification. Just start with the basics and add to your knowledge from there.
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