What Are you Doing for Mother's Day (USA)?

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Called my mom. Also sent some cash to my dad for her and him to get out and have a nice dinner\movie together, they don't do that enough.

My mother is a worthless, self-centered, and highly volatile bitch. I'll be spending mother's day with the wife/kids not worrying about whose life my mother is ruining now.

Honesty, I love it.

My mom kicked ass ... but my dad sucked. That's good because now, on father's day, everyone basks in erect's glory.

To answer the OP, I didn't buy her anything ... true love is not about sending someone to Vegas and or buying a dozen flowers.

I happened to be in town for my bro's graduation and we got to kiss opposite cheeks @ midnight ... It was really a great thing for her because it's been a decade since we've both been there for it.
Going to my 17 yr old cousin's funeral in Florida.. His mom (my aunt) must be going through fuckin hell today.

Got flowers for all of my aunts, both grandmothers and for my mom and sister got a week-long spa package in Arizona!
um i heading out of town in a little bit, because a close friend of the family just passed away about 4 hours ago. only 42.
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I locked my Mom up the other day in a mental ward for abusing her medicine to the point that she became incoherent and intolerable. She'll be fine in a couple weeks :D

I cooked the wife some Ahi tuna steaks, crab cakes, and a lobster tail.

Now she's going to watch cop shows while I write articles about Outlook Express recovery systems for the next 2 hours. Maybe I'll get laid, maybe I'll whack it in the bathroom looking at the hot bitch on the hair dye box like usual.
Going to my 17 yr old cousin's funeral in Florida.. His mom (my aunt) must be going through fuckin hell today.

Got flowers for all of my aunts, both grandmothers and for my mom and sister got a week-long spa package in Arizona!

Prayers to your aunt and family.....rough times.

We had a 101 degrees today....why AZ? I do love it here, nights are still nice right now.
My mom is passed away about 15 years ago (Dad about 10 years ago) so let my step-dad know how much I appreciate him for stepping up and filling in for both of them! He was in town so had dinner and a few beers last night.

I saw 2 of my 5 kids today (Bob Schmuck wasn't one of them-he's got the flu, he'll be here next weekend) and enjoying my daughter's cooking (breakfast AND dinner). Worked 5 hours wage earning earlier today. and taking a walk to look at city lights with my boyfriend later tonight.

Over all a really good day.
Going to my 17 yr old cousin's funeral in Florida.. His mom (my aunt) must be going through fuckin hell today.

now that sucks. That's the kind of shit that will make someone lose their religion.

So there I was balls deep in peanut butter, wondering why i chose Chunky....

What an awesome original quote. Just noticed this one. $rep ++ ;

[me] runs to the store for a fresh jar [/me]
Honesty, I love it.

My mom kicked ass ... but my dad sucked. That's good because now, on father's day, everyone basks in erect's glory.

To answer the OP, I didn't buy her anything ... true love is not about sending someone to Vegas and or buying a dozen flowers.

I happened to be in town for my bro's graduation and we got to kiss opposite cheeks @ midnight ... It was really a great thing for her because it's been a decade since we've both been there for it.

PFFt... don't hate because your a cheap skate.
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