What Are you Doing for Mother's Day (USA)?

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
Feeling a bit lazy, just want to send some flowers. What are you guys doing for the lady who let you rent out her body for 9 months, huh?!

My mother is a worthless, self-centered, and highly volatile bitch. I'll be spending mother's day with the wife/kids not worrying about whose life my mother is ruining now.
probably just phoning this one in. I just flew her to LA for a week and put her up in at the Roosevelt, site seeing all that so she should be set for the year. :)
probably just phoning this one in. I just flew her to LA for a week and put her up in at the Roosevelt, site seeing all that so she should be set for the year. :)

Wow, that's sweet! Are you trying to make me feel bad, cause it's not working!! (lol, just kidding mate...)
I made my mom a card with construction paper and crayons...like you do in kindergarden...I think she will love it.
I'm gonna roll with my mom and my grandmom.

Just spent the day with my wife and kids. Not unlike most other Sundays.

As for my mother, I'm not far off from bb_wolfe's sentiments.
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