What are you allergic to?

About 3 months ago I awoke in the middle of the night, itching like mad. Turned on the lights, had red bumps all over, total breakout of hives. Took benadryl and after 2-3 hours fell back to sleep. Wondered what the hell all the next day.

Next night, same exact thing. Woke up 2am, same scenario.

That morning, as I got up, I looked in the corner of the bedroom ceiling, right above where I sleep, and there was a friggin HUGE spider just hanging out in the corner... after I disposed of the spider, never had the issue again.

So it appears this fucker was hiding out and both times, just bit me while I was asleep. How's that for "What the fuck!"

Sounds like it was PISSING on you or shucking hairs and your skin reacted. Most bite reactions are pretty local to the wound.

I have something similar. If I get an itch on my neck or face and scratch it inevitably someone asks what happened. I can take a fingernail and run it down my arm and in about a minute there will be a bright red raised line like a welt. It's not quite as bad as the writing example on the wiki page, but pretty close.

Yeah that's urticaria. You have what I have, even if a mild case.
OP in all seriousness you probably have bed bugs. I only say this because I saw a special on nasty parasites on animal planet a few nights ago and your case would suggest bed bugs. Could be something else but to hear that 20 other people had similar complaints, and with an increased outbreak of these little bastards its possible.
Hello friend,

I glad you okay. I shall pray to Goddess Ganga you recover fast.

I personal no think I allergic anything.

Good luck bro
The pollen from common wormwood is my nemesis. I always get hay fever in late summer. Like right now, for instance.
Hello friend,

I glad you okay. I shall pray to Goddess Ganga you recover fast.

I personal no think I allergic anything.

Good luck bro
I'm not surprised Sumit's Goddess Ganga helped him out because people in third world countries don't suffer from allergies. Or not as much.

It's surmised that poor sanitation is what our immune systems are suited to, and in the presence of unsanitary conditions, it's strengthened and won't confuse harmless things with infections.

So clean conditions in the first world are probably making us sick, which tickles my irony bone. I'd link this info up with an article, but my allergies are making me sick.

Good luck bro.

Actually, research points specifically into the direction of parasites.

It seems as if the part of the immune system that fights parasites gets confused by their absence and starts reacting to pollen, etc.

Fun thing is that once a parasite is introduced into the system, allergies vanish.
Several patients and researchers have willingly subjected themselves to parasites (mostly harmless worms) and been cured of their ailment.

Interviews with Scientists, including Famous Scientists - The Naked Scientists[showUid]=482&cHash=&table=tx_naksciinterview_interviews

Parasite Asthma and Allergy Treatment Shows Promise - Associated Content


Actually, research points specifically into the direction of parasites.

It seems as if the part of the immune system that fights parasites gets confused by their absence and starts reacting to pollen, etc.

Fun thing is that once a parasite is introduced into the system, allergies vanish.
Several patients and researchers have willingly subjected themselves to parasites (mostly harmless worms) and been cured of their ailment.

Interviews with Scientists, including Famous Scientists - The Naked Scientists[showUid]=482&cHash=&table=tx_naksciinterview_interviews

Parasite Asthma and Allergy Treatment Shows Promise - Associated Content

Yeah, you're right. I was probably thinking of the parasites. Allergies every morning and at night leave me so knackered.

I'd go for the creepy crawlies to get rid of them, but what went unmentioned were the problems caused by parasitic infections and how easy to get rid of them?
OP in all seriousness you probably have bed bugs. I only say this because I saw a special on nasty parasites on animal planet a few nights ago and your case would suggest bed bugs. Could be something else but to hear that 20 other people had similar complaints, and with an increased outbreak of these little bastards its possible.

Yeah, I had originally suspected this as well. I washed all my sheets like 3x in hot water and color safe bleach just in case. Paranoid now, haha.

I also have a dog, so I thought it might be fleas too, but I checked her out - no fleas. Also, my roommate doesn't have any symptoms. And the rash doesn't look like flea bites.

I probably just developed some strange allergy to some food/fabric that I am unware of. So frustrating, I just want this damn itching to go away.
Time to call in the big dog:
Bed bugs have pretty much been eradicated since the widespread use of DDT. And it would only be in a few spots not all over your body. But there's usually some tell tale signs...for instance you'll see little black spots on your sheets. I can't remember why, either you've rolled over on them and smushed them or they've taken little bug craps on your bed.