What are 100x PR7+ Top quality links worth to you?

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Feb 22, 2011
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We have an impressive list of high PR sites

The links are divided in:

1x PR10
2x PR9
30x PR8
68x PR7

The mainsite of the page has the high PR, the userprofiles, blogs will start at PR0 but cause of the huge pagerank of the main site it will pass on the juice. Within this package you'll only find the best sites on the web with a great percentage of the best edu / gov sites that you can find.

All the links we talk about here need to be processed manually and some of the links require special installation instructions to maintain the links.

2 Questions rise:

What would this be worth to you to buy it as list?

What would this be worth to you when we build the links for you?

Extra info: This post is made on request of my Phillipin co-worker who see's his business is getting eaten away by all the automation software recently, this is why he provided me the best links he gathered through the years with the intention of creating a new workload. My motto has always been "Quality above Quantitiy"

The list contains:

Edulinks - we will place max 1 link in the profile as these sites are heavily moderated. The links will be placed 2 weeks after the forumprofile is created to guarantee longlasting links. If you build the links yourself we also heavily recommend that.

11x PR7 Edu links
7x PR8 Edu links
5x PR9 Edu links

The list also includes a nice ammount of Web2.0 Properties that can be used to build a linkwheel with, when we build the list we will do that where possible.

Again this is a high quality list that requires more time then an autosubmitter or simple forum link adding so the price will be accordingly.

There is no fixed price yet though I did receive some pm's with offers that might fix the price. In case the price will drop lower then initial buyers have paid they will be refunded the difference. So before a price will be stated I'll await a couple more reactions.

Side info: This linkpackage pushed my now 3 weeks old site from page4 to page1 in less then a week, passing sites with over 100.000 indexed pages and 200.000 backlinks and the links aren't pinged so probably more then half of them aren't even indexed yet.
I suggest you just list your price here like onlinebutik said. I am interested in trying this out.
For $75,- we will build the list for you.

This includes:

- Setting up dozens of blogs in linkwheel format
- Creating user profiles at forums
- Creating user accounts / placing links at the other high PR sites
- 2 weeks after service to add the links to the forums
- For the blogs you can supply an article that we will spin, however I would have to purchase spinsoftware for this as this is in cooperation with someone else who doesnt have any automating tools. Recommendations for Spinsoftware is welcome, I was thinking about "bestspinner" myself.

All links are 100% guaranteed and list will be provided afterwards, to make this work naturally we won't ping the sites.

If you think $75,- is too much then I can understand that however lots of these edu forums don't allow to make an account from the same IP and most available proxy's will probably be used already so that makes the job a little tougher as well and forces me to place these links manually myself and I don't work for a few dollar an hour.

If you create the EDU profiles yourself and add the links 2 weeks later we could come to a more competitive price of $50,-

Moneyback guarantee only with very solid reasons, as these links will be 100% guaranteed and they will all be PR7+ so in fact you exactly get what you buy + you can check all the links yourself, cause this is a totally different product then when working with submission which always will be some kind of a mysterie of how many get approved and/or sites protecting themselfs from one day to the other with anti spam methods.

A review in the form of a list will be provided to the one with the most itrades, for the review we will only build a couple of links of each type.
Unfortunatly this offer can't continue. Soon this will be replaced with the best High quality linkbuilding services that is available on the SEO forums.

To give you a quick glance of what that will be:

- 23 of the best Blogs with 1 unique article that will be spinned 23 times - PR6+
- 24 articles submitted to the TOP24 Article directory's - PR4+ well in fact only 2 PR4 and a few PR5, the rest is PR6 and 1x PR7
- 40 Social bookmark submissions (all manual) - PR6+
- 50 High PR sites (10 Edu sites included) - PR7+
- 20 Highly Relevant ontopic blog comments

All these links will be manually submitted and interlinked to each other where possible

More about this soon!

Ps: When I say PR6+ its not that you will mostly get PR6, no, most will be ranked higher but to fill up the list I had to add some PR6 to it.
Yeah okay sorry, I wish could just delete this whole thread but I can not, so thats why I added some explanation. My fault.

To everyone reading this, when I say PR6+ I in fact mean that the homepage of the site has a Pagerank of 6 and higher. However the page where the link will be placed will be PR0 or PR n/a as in not available yet. The reason people talk about PR6+ is because there will be passed Pagerank value from the maindomain to the subpages which will be flooded to your website again. In SEO it's quiet common to use terms like PR6+ while in fact the page itself is not.

Maybe also nice to mention that links at PR8 pages aren't sold for less then $150/month for 1 single link.
Yeah, I have my hand on the cc to try this out with a site, but your thread is really confusing though there is some tl;dr going on w/ me here. I'd pull all that together and clean out the fluff - just give us clearly what you're offering, the price, what you need from us to get it going, where to send payment.

Also note when you say "list", that usuallly means on this forum you're giving us a list for us to go and act on. Obviously once we read it thoroughly you're not selling a list, you're offering a service - when you repost, quit talking about a list b/c you're going to confuse everyone quickly skimming.

best of luck
This is a very confusing thread. The premise of your service seems awesome but I'm confused about what you actually offer. Is this available or not?

What would this be worth to you to buy it as list ?
What would this be worth to you when we build the links for you?


This thread was in first place meant to get an indication of what this service or list would be worth. Then people started to say that I had to put a price tag to it, while it was not the intention to put it for sale yet as I had to figure some things out first, so it was my mistake to follow the request of adding a price tag.

So to summarize: This offer is NOT for sale, my apologies for the inconvenience it caused!

The other post in the middle is an introduction of what you can expect from me in the near future! But at this moment it is NOT for sale.
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