WF Case Study 2008

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I would like to participate as well. I have learned some concepts, made about $50 in adsense in an year, which is really $0 since I don't get paid until $100.

I have been reading a lot and trying to get the concepts clear in my head.

Anyway, I have hosting, domain and all that stuff. Would love to be considered.

I would love to be considered for participation in this case study.

I have been trying to make money online for the past 2 years, but all my efforts really only ended up with pocket change.

I flipped domains, but I bought more bad ones than good ones, so kept ending up in the negative.

I tried PPC and blew my budget in a week.

I tried bum marketing, but after 2 weeks I found it boring and not worth the effort.

I have a few blogs that make me about a total of 50 cents a day.

I tried running a proxy, but never even recouped my hosting costs (I'm prolly the only person that can't make money on a proxy)

I am the guy the reads too much about making money online, but doesn't make money online. I would love to pay the rent one month with money I made online. I would also like to quit being the guy that says "Why didn't I think of that". I really hope you consider for your case study because I am determined to make a lot more money online this year.
I would definitely like to participate in the case study. I have a server, some domains (will look at getting more) and can install WordPress without any problems when needed. I have been trying unsuccessfully so far to have a few successes with affiliate marketing.
I am not looking to get rich quick am hard working and am dedicated to projects I am on.
I am familiar with css, photoshop, different content management systems and have some experience with ppc and seo. I am looking to acquire new skills that will help me stop living paycheck to paycheck and after I figure things out would like to help others in my situation.
I have an adsense, adwords and yahoo search marketing account and was looking at signing up with Copeac tonight.
I just posted explaining why I want to participate in this case study, but it has disappeared from the thread. I have all the requirements and I am sick and tired of not being able to break past the 50 cents a day mark. I envision one day being able to pay my rent with the money I make online. I am determined to make an income online this year. With the proper guidance I have no doubt that I could become very profitable in affiliate marketing. Please consider me for this case study.
Decent offer lads, love to give it a shot.

There are heads out there who would literally break legs to get in on this.

I would like to participate in the case study and meet all of the requirements above. Have been lurking on the board, trying things here and there, but would like to jumpstart my efforts through learning and working with some of the leaders on the board.
I have all the requirements and am able and willing to learn. I have not posted but been a lurker since I joined. Trying to read as much as possible. I have a strong work ethic (currently active in the military for 9+ years) and my family couldnt come with me this transfer so I have a lot of time on my hands. thx for the opportunity.

Btw I already own several domains, have hosting account, wordpress, budget and accounts with adwords/adsense, copeac, neverblue, cj and azoogle. Have not made any currently in the -$ wise due to just been testing ppc.
I'd like to join and meet the requirements.

I know a little bit about affiliate marketing. I've launched about 5 offers so far and lost/broke even on all of them. I'm not just going to read the stuff but I'll actually apply it and learn from it.
I would love to be accepted into this. I currently make my money doing web design but have been really been chomping at the bit to get involved with affiliate marketing, and having been reading WF with much interest for the past few months.

I have several domains I've picked up over the years that I could use and I am open to purchasing others specifically for this project.
I have my own managed dedicated server.
I actually do a lot of Wordpress design professionally as a web developer so I can install and custom theme Wordpress quickly. I am also very familiar with utilizing Rentacoder for outsourcing work that is beyond my technical means (I'm not much of a programmer).
I have played around with a few niches and made a few bucks with weight loss, hosting and yoga products. Picking a niche is something I would really love a bit of help on. I have a subscription to Nichebot for keyword research.
I have a Yahoo Publisher account (as well as Google Adwords and MSN)
I have an account at Neverblue account (also Shareasale, Linkconnector, Commission Junction and The LinkShare network amongst others)
I have $100 - $200+ per month to invest in this and perhaps obviously much more if I start getting decent ROI.
I am committed to participating in this program fully, I really see this as a great opportunity and I learn/work really well when I have access to the encouragement of community and successful mentors.

Thanks for your consideration,
I would like to join (if there's room still)

I have a full time job, but i see the great potential in AM... and work on my campaigns every night when i get home from work.

I AM A TOTAL NEWB... I havent even heard about AM til November 2007 and launched my campaign with Azoogle and Ad Words in December 2007 after alot of research, and guidance from a good friend.. so far im at about $110 revenue (embarrased) but im making new changes and trying to test and optimize everyday. I know i will soon turn a profit!

Please teach me, Thanks in advance :)
How much time does something like this require, say per week?

It really depends even though we suggest that you have a budget of $100 to $150 per month to dedicate for this it isn't a strict requirement, you see you could start off with no money at all as long as you have a domain and a hosting account to work with but if you don't have anything to dedicate towards this then you have to realize and you'll have to be dedicated enough to put in every minute of your spare time to work at this and I don't just mean 20 minutes here and there I'm talking about sleeping 5 hours a night for the next few months because without the ability to outsource some of the things you'll have to do them by yourself and that takes time and a fair bit of time at that.

With that said I will be part of this along with the other experinced members around here and the goal is to get people started, its to give you a little boost and to share what we all know, we all personally know different aspects and even though you probably won't want to learn all our different skills you can at least have a variety to choose from weather it be learning to program, design, write copy, or learning core marketing aspects, it doesn't matter but what you will learn is how to get started making some real money online.

So for those of you 15 who are chosen we will be working closely with you, helping, and teaching you what we know along the way so I hope your dedicated and ready to advance your skills in the online world of making money.
I would definitely like to be considered, while doing some good I have never been able to break through a certain point.

I have fresh domains that I havent used yet, VPS at Liquidweb, and the ability to spend several hours a day working on these projects along with money to invest if needed.

Even if I am not picked I think it is very cool of those more experienced to share what they know with those on the way up.

Thanks for the opportunity!

I know I am new around here, but I'd like to be considered for this.

Domain - Y
Hosting - Y
Wordpress experience - Y
Niche - Y (several possibilities)
Adsense - Y
Ad networks - Y (Linkshare, CJ and some others)
Commitment - Y ( I know what 18-hr days behind the screen are like)
$$ - I can put in a modest amount to begin with (like $75-$100/month, above the hosting costs), and also put in 100% of what is generated from this project for the first few months or so.

Strengths: Experience with mySQL and PhpMyAdmin, PHP, Apache, cPanel/WHM, CSS(Hacking up wordpress themes), DNS/domain type stuff. Also pretty good at reading server logs.

Weaknesses: Keyword analysis(although I can write, I find it challenging to write effective copy for SEO purposes), placement (with regards to getting inbound links) and template optimization ot maximize conversions.
wow, what a great opportunity you are giving people here.

It is too bad it is limited to 15. I don't see a real reason why it is limited to 15 as what you are going to do is easily scalable to 150 people. I know you don't wanna make this like DP or something or overload the people wanting to help.

I myself would love to take on this project and learn from the senior members here, but what a challenge you have picking out 15 deserving people for this.

I meet all the requirements needed and have been a member at WF for awhile... even wrote a few good posts for people to learn from.

I hope to see you guys in Vegas, even if not picked I would like to hang out with everyone there.
It is too bad it is limited to 15. I don't see a real reason why it is limited to 15 as what you are going to do is easily scalable to 150 people. I know you don't wanna make this like DP or something or overload the people wanting to help.

It's limited to 15 so we can be assured those 15 people are going to be making money by the end of the case study. If we let too many people in, we won't be able to give everyone the attention they deserve. 15 people is easily manageable with our resources, which is why we chose that number.

And thanks to everyone who is applying. It appears we have alot of applications to sort through. :)
Yes, I'd like to participate in this case study though I haven't contributed much since my adsense arbitrage threads and template.
Hey wickedgods, count me in. Cmon, Brazilian boobies anyone???

Seriously now, i will dedicate all the time i have to get on track and i make a commitment that once i do, i will give some time back to the community here with what ive learned, you guys know i will stand by my word. And i mean it. Even being from brazil, not having many resources (i can fill the requests thou) and english not being my primary language, i am a hard working and passionate person, just let me show it.

Thanks in advance for the opportunity, i will not waste it if i get it.
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