WF Blog Farm?


New member
May 28, 2009
This is just an idea I am playing with...not even sure it is the best idea ever.

We all have hosting accounts (many people have multiples...).

I also happen to have access to some Enterprise software (costs about $25,000) that can monitor an email account - grab any incoming email, then process the mail in any rules-based fashion I choose to build - and then send email to pre-determined addresses. I have integrated this thing with a bunch of stuff for my "real" job ("real" as in my main money earner, not as in "boy I sure do love it"). It can things as simple as responding to an email or literally initiate and process 10,000+ rules for a single action.

So I was thinking it would be possible to do this (still not sure if this is a good idea).

1.) Start the WF Blog Farm. Price of admission is setting up 1 blog with the ATOM publishing protocol enabled + incoming email enabled.

2.) The Blog Farm is automated. You send me the stuff above and I set up a round-robin queue for each blog farm member.

3.) A member who submits an article emails it to a generic address I will pre-determine. The article is then submitted via Round-Robin to the next blog in the queue and presumably published automatically.

The benefits obviously are...

-Ability to publish articles on separate IP's
-Ability to backlink via those articles
-Ability to spin an article and submit multiple times

I'm not sure this is a good idea. For example it's entirely possible a person doing this would have a competitor publishing stuff on their IP (although getting a unique IP for the blog site would be beneficial for all).

I know there are a number of different services that do similar things like this. I can also think of ways to improve it.

For example, if we got 20 people interested we could dedicate certain blogs to certain niches, which should give them greater link juice in the long run.

More or less this is just me throwing out an idea to see how it would be recieved. Feedback appreciated.
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No idea how you would make this work technically, but I certainly understand the list of benefits.

Please count me in with 3 aged domains 1 plus years old across 3 multiple C Class IPs. These are wordpress blogs.

I would love to get something like this started and the more people we can get in on this the better. It would add some nice easy variety to my linking strategy.
Yeah count me in too if you get something setup. I do alot of link exchanges and ill always give something new a shot
I would be in for a few 10 domains setup. Where in WI you from, Sharksfan? (West Bend here)
No idea how you would make this work technically, but I certainly understand the list of benefits.

It's pretty easy with the right software. Also, I am thinking that there might be a way to have it do some automatic cross linking as well. We'll call that Phase 2.

I would be in for a few 10 domains setup. Where in WI you from, Sharksfan? (West Bend here)

Stevens Point area.


I think the hardest part of this isn't even technical - it's simply making sure everyone agrees on ground rules. For example, if someone just spams the list with duplicate content it won't help anyone.

I'm going to come up with a tenative design and go from there. I should be able to code it in a couple of hours - I just have to re-build a server first.
I also happen to have access to some Enterprise software (costs about $25,000) that can monitor an email account - grab any incoming email, then process the mail in any rules-based fashion I choose to build - and then send email to pre-determined addresses. I have integrated this thing with a bunch of stuff for my "real" job ("real" as in my main money earner, not as in "boy I sure do love it"). It can things as simple as responding to an email or literally initiate and process 10,000+ rules for a single action.

So I was thinking it would be possible to do this (still not sure if this is a good idea).

1.) Start the WF Blog Farm. Price of admission is setting up 1 blog with the ATOM publishing protocol enabled + incoming email enabled.

2.) The Blog Farm is automated. You send me the stuff above and I set up a round-robin queue for each blog farm member.

3.) A member who submits an article emails it to a generic address I will pre-determine. The article is then submitted via Round-Robin to the next blog in the queue and presumably published automatically.

The benefits obviously are...

-Ability to publish articles on separate IP's
-Ability to backlink via those articles
-Ability to spin an article and submit multiple times

I'm not sure this is a good idea. For example it's entirely possible a person doing this would have a competitor publishing stuff on their IP (although getting a unique IP for the blog site would be beneficial for all).

I know there are a number of different services that do similar things like this. I can also think of ways to improve it.

For example, if we got 20 people interested we could dedicate certain blogs to certain niches, which should give them greater link juice in the long run.

More or less this is just me throwing out an idea to see how it would be recieved. Feedback appreciated.

I have software that does all that.

And I hope you have a really good spinner bc dupe content slap is a biiiiiitch :love-smiley-086:
I have software that does all that.

And I hope you have a really good spinner bc dupe content slap is a biiiiiitch :love-smiley-086:

Yep - there's a number of software packages that could do this in a variety of technologies. It's nothing special. The technology I am using is intended for an enterprise transaction engine that is VERY good at running high volume transactions. It will be extremely under-utilized. But I am familiar with it so I can build stuff in it rapidly.

The concept itself isn't unique either -and at this point a spinner is not part of what I am planning - someone would have to spin the content prior to sending in an email.

What this does offer, however, is a CLOSED set of unique IP's for members to use to promote whatever. It won't be spammed (hopefully) by outsiders because I am building it so it will only publish articles if it comes from an approved email address. All others will of course be flagged.
Interesting idea, I have a couple of domains on different IP addresses that can be used.
Don't you care about potentially shitty IP's being introduced into the mix? Should probably create participant standards to maintain integrity.
Don't you care about potentially shitty IP's being introduced into the mix? Should probably create participant standards to maintain integrity.

^^^^ THIS is a good point.

I assume by shitty IP's you mean shared hosting and/or IP's that have been previously blacklisted/sandboxed.

Expand more - what would you suggest the baseline be? Unique IP (as in only this blog on it)? Brand New unique iP??

Also, I think limiting membership might be a good idea (especially at first). I don't know what the magic # would be - maybe 20?
I would be interested and have blogs on quality dedicated servers. Would you be looking to use a single cms such as WPMU?
I would be interested and have blogs on quality dedicated servers. Would you be looking to use a single cms such as WPMU?

I hadn't thought about using WPMU - probably just WP or anything that allowed publishing via the ATOM protocol and email. I'm willing to build this thing as long as it's automated. I don't want to spend a lot of maintenance time on it after it's built naturally.
Everyone submits their own article?

That article is a place for them to drop links to any single domain they own?

I'm in just to take a look at your battle plan ... got lots of servers, domains & IPs. And yes, I say go only with verified unused IP addresses

Also, I am thinking that there might be a way to have it do some automatic cross linking as well. We'll call that Phase 2.

I have a software that does all that in a pimp ass fashion .. who needs to wait until phase 2.

I will need some assistance if you're going to use WP ... I detest CMS's so it's not in WP plugin format, rather a function that reads a master xml file daily to find new words to turn into links.

Also, I can see this project getting way out of hand and having only one brain drawing up the blueprint might be short sighted (no offense). Perhaps it's best to open a wiki and let everyone collaborate ideas.
Everyone submits their own article?

That article is a place for them to drop links to any single domain they own?

I'm in just to take a look at your battle plan ... got lots of servers, domains & IPs. And yes, I say go only with verified unused IP addresses

I have a software that does all that in a pimp ass fashion .. who needs to wait until phase 2.

I will need some assistance if you're going to use WP ... I detest CMS's so it's not in WP plugin format, rather a function that reads a master xml file daily to find new words to turn into links.

Also, I can see this project getting way out of hand and having only one brain drawing up the blueprint might be short sighted (no offense). Perhaps it's best to open a wiki and let everyone collaborate ideas.

I take no offense - this could get out of hand quite quickly. That is why I think the initial run should be limited to "X" users. 20 is the initial number I came up with.

Erect - if you could PM me an email I will draw up a functional spec. The requirements for this are fairly straight forward but putting it all down on paper is probably a good place to start. I'm still fairly newb in the AM world compared to all of you and if this does go forward I want as much input from the experienced as possible.

As far as the cross linking/Phase 2 - I'd like to hear more about what you are thinking.