Well fuck me


Claptrap Overlord
Nov 24, 2007
Wife is pregnant.

Excited, scared, etc.

Telling you people since she doesn't want to tell anyone yet, and you don't count :p
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Where the hell are the enlarged prego boobies at? ie pictures...
congrats - been where you are 2 years ago.

if you take my route, this will up your IM game. you now have to provide, it is no longer an option.
First one? Congratulations bro! Savior it. Take it as a challenge.

I remember when my wife got prego with my first. I was pretty much fucking around doing nothing. Once she informed me she was pregnant, I put the spaceship into hyper-drive. Nothing wakes you up more than having to take care of another person..

Best of luck. Seriously!
First one? Congratulations bro! Savior it. Take it as a challenge.

I remember when my wife got prego with my first. I was pretty much fucking around doing nothing. Once she informed me she was pregnant, I put the spaceship into hyper-drive. Nothing wakes you up more than having to take care of another person..

Best of luck. Seriously!

Thanks. Sadly, #3. We planed on two, had #2 4 years ago. Were quite happy with the situation, but this one came out of left field.
Boobs icon, yet no boobies?

Thanks. Sadly, #3. We planed on two, had #2 4 years ago. Were quite happy with the situation, but this one came out of left field.

heh, that sounds like me! As my mom always says, I was a surprise, not an accident. :)

Congrats on the new baby though!
Thanks. Sadly, #3. We planed on two, had #2 4 years ago. Were quite happy with the situation, but this one came out of left field.

Ahh..shit man, you're playing zone now. Saving grace is the oldest can babysit.

I had the wife tied up after two. Good thing is, I get drunk now and I talk about having a third and that puts the kibosh on the whole idea.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkaKwXddT_I]Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Teach Your Children - YouTube[/ame]
Congrats Bro. And you can congratulate back me too. We just tested the day before and both the lines were purple. :p

I am excited as shit, as this is our first. She wanted to keep it a secret until we confirm again as she is late sometimes.

Fuck!! You bros are the second person I told. I have only told my Mom :p
Congratulations SkyFire and congratulations blogspotter.

I'm a little envious of you guys, but with any luck I'll be able to keep it wrapped up for another 6-7 years.

Not even gonna complain about misuse of the boobs icon 'cause babies are like a trump card. Good luck!
boob icon in a thread about your wife? I assume you will be posting some of those plump prego boobs of hers shortly? Perhaps a monthly update as she goes along?