Well boys, I have a sink hole.

I'm now terrified of dying in a sinkhole

I couldn't stop thinking about that shit when I started digging into it. That's why I harnessed myself to a tree, lolz.

If you think that might be a problem area in the future, dig a trench from that point sloped to the side of your property and make a rock pit, fill the trench bottom foot with drain rock/crushed rock, then your dirt (better yet pit run, not clear dirt) compact it (every 4 inches), then a few inches of soil for the lawn. Or go more hardcore and throw some perforated PVC in the trench and take it out to your sump.

good luck

/drainage lesson over

Thanks. It was a broken sprinkler pipe so unlikely to happen again. I'm going to get some quotes on having the entire system replaced though, just to be safe, and the system could use an upgrade anyway.

Check out this one:


Massive sinkhole leaves locals in awe - CNN.com Video