Well boys, I have a sink hole.


Claptrap Overlord
Nov 24, 2007
Discovered a sink hole when I drove up to my house this evening. Sprinklers were going and water was erupting from a melon sized hole where the top of the driveway loops around in front of the house.

I harned my self up to one of the massive trees on the other side of the drive and started digging. Seems the sprinkler line has a huge hole in it, and because our sprinklers are on irrigation pumps there was never a drop in pressure to clue me in.

I've dug nearly nipple deep down in a 5*3 area, and the hole keeps going off in another direction. Going to keep digging on it tomorrow. If I don't find the end after an hour or two I'll have to get rent one of those tow behind backhoe things and go to town on it. It's between the drive and the house and heads towards the house so hopefully it's not much bigger :(

Sending my wife and kids to my parents in the morning too, just to be safe.


A wet sinkhole.. you're inside a wet sinkhole... there's some way to make a joke but I'm just not seeing it right now.

Good luck fixing it up bro, looks like a nasty chore.
Thought you wrote "stinkhole". Oh and just realized I still opened the thread :)
I'd make a website about it

Start putting out some presss

Take pictures daily

Cash out
Rent a kubota, and hire me to run it!

I miss running those things. Would imagine I'm pretty rusty now, but used to be awesome on them.
Skyfire, that's a pretty cool looking photo in the OP. How deep is that water in the second photo? How long is it going to take to fix this kind of a sink hole?
It appears that I've got it all dug. Was just shy of 7 feet deep, 3 wide and 9 long. There was only about 10 inches of intact ground above the hole, so I'm really glad no one fell in. If it'd collapsed beneath one of the kids that would have been the end of them.

I'm filling it with water again now to make sure I didn't accidentally seal off an exit point. If not tomorrow I'll order some dirt and fill the fucker in.
It appears that I've got it all dug. Was just shy of 7 feet deep, 3 wide and 9 long. There was only about 10 inches of intact ground above the hole, so I'm really glad no one fell in. If it'd collapsed beneath one of the kids that would have been the end of them.

I'm filling it with water again now to make sure I didn't accidentally seal off an exit point. If not tomorrow I'll order some dirt and fill the fucker in.

I'm now terrified of dying in a sinkhole





I'll order some dirt and fill the fucker in.

If you think that might be a problem area in the future, dig a trench from that point sloped to the side of your property and make a rock pit, fill the trench bottom foot with drain rock/crushed rock, then your dirt (better yet pit run, not clear dirt) compact it (every 4 inches), then a few inches of soil for the lawn. Or go more hardcore and throw some perforated PVC in the trench and take it out to your sump.

good luck

/drainage lesson over