Welcome To The U.S. Comrade!

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Ha heard this on Shawn Hanedy (or however you spell it) the other day. It's not the oil companies fault oil is so much.

It's the fact that we haven't opened up so many areas for drilling and refineries, our dollar is falling around our ankles, the prices of oil is driven by trading on the market, etc...

Socializing 'big oil' won't fix the problem. Hell socializing anything except being the only time you drink won't work.
Wow, how did she get...
you know...

Maybe our dollar wouldn't be so weak if we had government officials who spoke English. Or any language at all, really. Preferably more than one.
The price increases because of inflation. If the dollar (hypothetically) is worth 50% less tomorrow than it is today, then the oil exporters will be having their paycheck cut in half tomorrow. Of course they won't like this and will raise their price. Your bias against liberals is just clouding your judgement. Speculation has also pushed the price up.

In fact the root of the word liberal is the exact opposite to what most pundits intend it to mean - Hayek for example was a liberal.

Conservatives - they hate big government (unless they're the ones the ones running it) and welfare (unless it's for the rich). Ron Paul is the only one who knows the emperor has no clothes on.
Comrade Popeye,

One must consider the proletariat needs above all others, the social construction and equilibrium of classes must be highest above all draconian individualistic desires.

-Comrade Beerhat
The price increases because of inflation. If the dollar (hypothetically) is worth 50% less tomorrow than it is today, then the oil exporters will be having their paycheck cut in half tomorrow. Of course they won't like this and will raise their price. Your bias against liberals is just clouding your judgement. Speculation has also pushed the price up.

In fact the root of the word liberal is the exact opposite to what most pundits intend it to mean - Hayek for example was a liberal.

Conservatives - they hate big government (unless they're the ones the ones running it) and welfare (unless it's for the rich). Ron Paul is the only one who knows the emperor has no clothes on.

My bias is wellfounded. The self proclaimed liberal dumb ass in the video has no fucking clue how to govern this country. The short term (until we can find alternative fuel sources) solution is right in front of us. The congress is for what ever reason halting our progress in exploration and the building of refinerys. If I didn't know better; I would believe that congress was fucking us on purpose, for whatever reason. Liberals in congress and a few stray Republicans are placing the welfare of some polar bears over the welfare of our country. Our economy was built on and to work from cheap food and energy. Without them we are in serious trouble. Trouble that the country hasn't seen since the 1930s.

BTW: Hail Comrade Beerhat!!
BUT Popeye your bitching about liberals and you have an OBAMA image as your avatar? I don't get it.

I would say he is very liberal.
All of the people in that video are idiots. James Rosen (one of the biggest douche bag "reporters" to ever walk the Earth), Maxine Waters (ignorant fool) and John Hofmeister (thieving oil tycoon).

Agreeing with anyone in that video makes you a douche as well (that's just a general statement).
All of the people in that video are idiots. James Rosen (one of the biggest douche bag "reporters" to ever walk the Earth), Maxine Waters (ignorant fool) and John Hofmeister (thieving oil tycoon).

Agreeing with anyone in that video makes you a douche as well (that's just a general statement).

WTF..we agree on something?
My bias is wellfounded. The self proclaimed liberal dumb ass in the video has no fucking clue how to govern this country. The short term (until we can find alternative fuel sources) solution is right in front of us. The congress is for what ever reason halting our progress in exploration and the building of refinerys. If I didn't know better; I would believe that congress was fucking us on purpose, for whatever reason. Liberals in congress and a few stray Republicans are placing the welfare of some polar bears over the welfare of our country. Our economy was built on and to work from cheap food and energy. Without them we are in serious trouble. Trouble that the country hasn't seen since the 1930s.

BTW: Hail Comrade Beerhat!!
Don't hate on the polar bears.
But seriously, refineries destroy the land around them. Nobody wants to live next to one, not to mention they cost upwards of $2billion to build. No refineries have been built in the US since 1976.
My bias is wellfounded. The self proclaimed liberal dumb ass in the video has no fucking clue how to govern this country. The short term (until we can find alternative fuel sources) solution is right in front of us. The congress is for what ever reason halting our progress in exploration and the building of refinerys. If I didn't know better; I would believe that congress was fucking us on purpose, for whatever reason. Liberals in congress and a few stray Republicans are placing the welfare of some polar bears over the welfare of our country. Our economy was built on and to work from cheap food and energy. Without them we are in serious trouble. Trouble that the country hasn't seen since the 1930s.

BTW: Hail Comrade Beerhat!!

I agree with ya about the serious trouble mate, but it's the focussing on the short term solutions that have got us here. The days of cheap energy are over. Fuck spending our taxes on dying oil companies, governments should partner with energy companies and pour the money into greatly speeding up research on renewable solutions.
popeye: The problem with making more oil easily accessible now is that it will simply reduce the will/motivation to actually make those alternative energies competitive.
Let's face it, the USA was once renowned for innovative thinking at all levels of society. Nowadays it's known for making quick fix solutions to everything, and unfortunately, a quick fix will only make the real solution to this problem (getting alternatives up and running at a price that's market competitive) more painful down the track.

I think a REALLY good solution would actually be for a government mandate that prevents energy companies, and all related, subsidiary and shell companies, from purchasing patents related to energy production and storage.
There's a lot of good tech out there, but the patents have been bought up and squirreled away.
popeye: The problem with making more oil easily accessible now is that it will simply reduce the will/motivation to actually make those alternative energies competitive.
Let's face it, the USA was once renowned for innovative thinking at all levels of society. Nowadays it's known for making quick fix solutions to everything, and unfortunately, a quick fix will only make the real solution to this problem (getting alternatives up and running at a price that's market competitive) more painful down the track.

I think a REALLY good solution would actually be for a government mandate that prevents energy companies, and all related, subsidiary and shell companies, from purchasing patents related to energy production and storage.
There's a lot of good tech out there, but the patents have been bought up and squirreled away.

You make some sense comrade. We can put a damn robot that gathers samples on mars but we can't make a viable alternative fuel source??
Comrades, the broad-minded among us understands that bourgeoisie thinking has lead us into this path of capitalist slavery. Imperialist indoctrination and oppression of the proletariat classes lead by corporations and fascist Americans are to blame.
You make some sense comrade. We can put a damn robot that gathers samples on mars but we can't make a viable alternative fuel source??
Interestingly enough, there have been amazing advances in nuclear power.
The two biggest advancements are the Breeder reactors, which can actually be fueled by the nuclear waste of a conventional reactor.
There's also the Tokamak fusion reactor.
The Japanese are running the former (ever wondered why Japan happily lets other countries pay them to take nuclear waste even though they're a small country that doesn't really have anywhere to put it?) and the Russians & Chinese have the latter.
North America, to the best of my knowledge, has neither outside of physics research labs.
You've got to ask yourself why these amazing technologies which still sound so Sci Fi to us aren't available in a supposedly first rate economy.

It's kind of like the MagLev trains. You can propel these beasts at up to 450kph safely (and they reckon up to 3,000kph in a vacuum tube) without all that much electricity...
And the US doesn't have one for cross country travel, while China has been using them to commute people to and from the airports of its major cities for nearly a decade.
+1 rep to popeye. we need more right wingers in this forum. that retard of a politician would fit in well over here in the eu parliament. all she needs to do is put on a french accent
Mmm, polar bears have such tasty oil all bottled up in them. I'm all for saving them ... for dinner.
Interestingly enough, there have been amazing advances in nuclear power.
The two biggest advancements are the Breeder reactors, which can actually be fueled by the nuclear waste of a conventional reactor.
There's also the Tokamak fusion reactor.
The Japanese are running the former (ever wondered why Japan happily lets other countries pay them to take nuclear waste even though they're a small country that doesn't really have anywhere to put it?) and the Russians & Chinese have the latter.
North America, to the best of my knowledge, has neither outside of physics research labs.
You've got to ask yourself why these amazing technologies which still sound so Sci Fi to us aren't available in a supposedly first rate economy.

It's kind of like the MagLev trains. You can propel these beasts at up to 450kph safely (and they reckon up to 3,000kph in a vacuum tube) without all that much electricity...
And the US doesn't have one for cross country travel, while China has been using them to commute people to and from the airports of its major cities for nearly a decade.

Almost makes ya think someone might be gaining from maintaining the dependence on oil...
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