Web Browser

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super postwhore delux
Jun 24, 2006

What webbrowser do you think is best?

I tend to stick with firefox, mainly because it's a good IE alternative with some extra features. But since there is getting more and more FF based spyware I'm kinda looking for something else, any suggestions?

Current hot browsers:

- Internet explorer (IE6 an IE7 soon)
- Mozzilla Firefox (FF)
- Safari
- Opera
- Avant browser
- Netscape
- Flock

Avant browser, can;t live withouht it.
I don't really like ff because it's slow and has a poor GUI, I use it for development only.
I use firefox primarily, but I do agree that it can get slow and Ive had some memory issues with it from time to time.

Ill have to check out avant, and Ive heard the newest opera is getting good press.
Lately I get the problem that firefox gets stuck, so i close it. Anyway when i want to restart FF it says on which acount i want to use it. I found out that firefox actually was running 2 times since I didn't kill it in taskmanager
NtodaS said:
Ok thank your. I'll try that. Anyway I'mthinking on moving to another browser though as my default. But i haven't found 'the one' yet ;)
Dude, didn't I already tell you it's Avant browser ;)
The only other good browser I know of is opera, wich has some nice features as well
I've tried avant several times but i get anoyed by it's loading screen and icon tray stuff. I want a small and fast browser which will start in 0.0001 sec when i click the icon. Since I usually don't leave my browsers open all day.
NtodaS said:
I've tried avant several times but i get anoyed by it's loading screen and icon tray stuff. I want a small and fast browser which will start in 0.0001 sec when i click the icon. Since I usually don't leave my browsers open all day.
well, once it's started Avant is the fastest brower available, when browsing.
The splash screen you can disable
NtodaS said:
Hmm i'll be trying opera 9 then shortly. I've never really done anyting with opera apart from some basic testing. Does it come with an email client like thunderbird?

Yea but I don't use it. I use Outlook.
Firefox doesn't make my computer make noises while loading. IE does. I still need to try Opera 9. So I like Firefox the most.
Philky said:
Firefox doesn't make my computer make noises while loading. IE does. I still need to try Opera 9. So I like Firefox the most.

hahaha that's the most inique reason I've ever heard. But ok it might explain a harddisk loading or something :)
Firefox is ok. It's a real resource hog if you leave it open for awhile.
Max said:
Firefox is ok. It's a real resource hog if you leave it open for awhile.
sure is! and it's slow too.
often when I wake up I see ff using 60% of my cpu and making my computer slow, is that normal? I figured it would be caused by the webdeloper toolbar plugin coz if that's normal for ff its really a POS ;p
What do you guys think about Flock?

It's a cleaner Firefox. I haven't switched over, YET.
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