Watching Dark Angel

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Symmetry Power

Aspiring Thousandaire
Apr 8, 2007
Washington State
So now I'm watching this fucking totally awesome Dark Angel marathon right now.. and it reminds me of a few things..

First and foremost.. Holy fucking shit Jessica Alba was hot as hell back then! Looked much better with the more meat on her bones..

Second.. Dark Angel was a great fucking show and Fox was retarded to tank it..

Third.. shit I need a fucking day job..

I tried to watch this shit one night. Its so bad that its hard to watch but ya Jessica Alba is hot.
Dark Angel was an awesome show up until the last season which was just too fucked up causing it to suck ass.

But hell yeah....Jessica!
lol @ dark angel being a good show. let me guess - you guys like smallville and buffy too, right?
they tanked it? well fuck.. it went from fox to scifi didnt it? shit.. i just saw commercials for it earlier.. thought it was for new episodes lol

As soon as season 10 finishes it's over, save for two movies they are releasing at the end of this year. However, they are working on a new series called Stargate Universe, but will supposedly be a totally different series (not just a spin-off like Atlantis) taking place at the same time as SG1/Atlantis (modern day).
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