Was 911 all planned?

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But who cares.

Who cares is the problem. It's not exactly "Who cares' either. People do care.

But when something is so preposterous and horrific as 9/11 and the implications of it being merely a gold heist, or insurance fraud, or insider-trading-evidence-destroying or something else monetary, it's easy to numb over inside and not think about it. The chance that it might be true changes people's view of how the world really is so much that it's far easier to ignore it than face it.

Can't have 10,000 people involved in this and they all keep their mouths shut? Whoever says that doesn't have children and hasn't imagined what they would do if faced with the promise that their families, children, parents, spouses would we taken and killed if ever a word were spoken.

Nobody wants to suffer, and nobody wants to be made to look like a fool.

"Couldn't possibly" is a phrase that needs to be stricken from our vocabularies. Anything is possible by almost anyone under the right motivation/threat.


If I knew someone who was killed in 9/11, I'd be really insulted with all your shite talk.
Do you Americans really think your government is that bad?! You're living in the greatest country in the world and all you do is complain about it.

Can you not understand that there is crazy people out there who hate America, the West and freedom for no valid reason.
>Can't have 10,000 people involved in this and they all keep their mouths shut? Whoever says that doesn't have children and hasn't imagined what they would do if faced with the promise that their families, children, parents, spouses would we taken and killed if ever a word were spoken.

So then there would be 100,000 dead, and another few thousand in on a new conspiracy. How come the guy that made Loose Change isn't dead along with everyone he knows? This one reason alone pretty much excludes a conspiracy on 911, a cover up of this scale could never be pulled off.

If I knew someone who was killed in 9/11, I'd be really insulted with all your shite talk.
Do you Americans really think your government is that bad?! You're living in the greatest country in the world and all you do is complain about it.

Can you not understand that there is crazy people out there who hate America, the West and freedom for no valid reason.

It takes personally loosing someone for you to be insulted? Your intelligence should be insulted.

We have the greatest FORM of government ever known. With it we have built the greatest country ever known. It, however, is littered with and controlled by well-placed greedy, evil people. The elected ones are not the problem, it's the non-elected bureaucrats that are the problem. Administrations come and go and the core remains the same.

We understand quite well. For all the crazy people people out there who hate us for no valid reasons, there are tons of others who hate us for very valid reasons.
How come the guy that made Loose Change isn't dead along with everyone he knows?

Assuming it is and was a government conspiracy, they couldn't just kill everyone who publicly called them out and questioned them and the story. That would make it pretty obvious they were covering something up.

Also, as far as Loose Change goes, once it was released, most of the harm was already done. Killing him after he released that video would just be stupid and obvious. I guess they could have taken measures to remove the video from existence, but that's along the same lines as just killing all the skeptics, conspiracy theorists.
No Conspiracy, this is why

I'll chime here, seeing it's one of the more interesting topics to me. When 9/11 happened I was on IRC in some channel when someone mentioned what was happening. Like many people I looked at the TV in disbelief. Shortly afterwards i started looking into the details of it, started doing my research and admittedly got caught up in the whole conspiracy thing. After years of this information I have come to this conclusion, and it's very much influenced by a book I read recently called 'confessions of an economic hitman'. It's the story of a man who used to work as an 'economic consultant' for a large secret firm in New England.

This guy had been picked out by the NSA when he was in his 20's, and they trained him to be an economic adviser and consultant. Over the next 30 years of his life he traveled into the countries the United States eventually took over - economically or militarily. He talks about how it works, and why conspiracies are so far fetched and personally I have to agree with much of what he has to say.

Here's the scenario:

The US, or its 'economic advisers' go into a country and proposes a huge infrastructure change. In most cases the countries we approach are those who already have a fascist, military or tyrannical leader in place, who is always open to hearing how he will make more money. The economic hit man goes in, makes an assessment that this country's advancement in infrastructure will bring in whatever amount of money they say it will. Next, this country then borrows the money from the US which puts them into debt to us for the rest of their life time. The money then goes to American contractors who go into the country and build the infrastructure that in most cases, has ruined and destroyed these countries. I forgot which country in South America, but in one of these projects, the US contractors claimed the Rain fall and sold it back to the indigenous people - where that sounds kinda funny, the tribes that have perished as a result of this I'm sure don't see the humor.

I've always been very strong when it comes to US foreign politics and if you look at the path we're talking, most critical thinking people will easily see that none of what we do, has anything to do with democracy, freedom or any of those other great keywords our government likes to use. In reality it's new age slavery. The British fucked it up (enslaving countries) and it became unusable, but when Britain called the US to help them take over Iran, the US made their first big scale economic hit. Granted, it kind of backfired in Iran, but there are many countries in the world that are still completely screwed, and will be as long as we're at the wheel.

I'm sorry for writing this much but I'm sure we can all agree this type of topic isn't just talked about in one paragraph but I'd like to get back to my initial point which is the conspiracy - there is none. One clear sign of this is the fact that NOTHING is hidden. The only thing that they change on us, is the propaganda in the media. So where the indigenous people of the Amazon are fighting against Halliburton and other companies, and I mean literally fighting, attacking - in the US we get told this: "Communist rebels have tried to attack US installations". In light of everything I've said, and I know this is going to hurt so you may want to sit down - 9/11 doesn't matter, it really matters so very little. I just want those people that think "terrorists" are out to get us realize one thing - we have literally been destroying countries for 50 years, under the guise of freedom of democracy - and guess what - some of those people who's countries we have ruined just can't find it in their heart to send us a Hallmark thank you card, that's all there is. Now unsubscribe from the Alex Jones mailing list, toss out all the 9/11 DVD's you bought and join me in making a difference in your community by getting involved locally. I've offered my 'skills' to a local politician to help him get elected, because I'm sick of the Conservatives ruining this country I moved to, and I wish more people in the US would do the same. Local activism as a marketing niche? I have no idea I'm just a noob here.
Assuming it is and was a government conspiracy, they couldn't just kill everyone who publicly called them out and questioned them and the story. That would make it pretty obvious they were covering something up.

Thanks, that is the exact point I was trying to make.
As far as I'm concerned, the best way to keep anything secret is to get the information out there, and swamp it with contradictory information.

AKA disinformation.

That way, the truth is so swamped with information, that any possible conclusions are possible for an individual to make.

The conspirators can just sit back doing what they want when everyone else is busy arguing about it.

Invoking conflict is a very powerful weapon.

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