Was 911 all planned?

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Mar 5, 2008
London UK
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Im not even gonna watch the videos....b/c i've done about a year's worth of research of 9/11 and have friends of friends who have died in the towers. To put it simply YES, 9/11 was an inside job. Anyone who actually spends quality time researching 9/11 will deduce this. I have plenty to say about this topic but will spare paragraphs and paragraphs of research. Though if you wanna start somewhere you can always start with the fact that Larry Silverstein (owner of the WTC) admitted on national television to "pull" (demolish) building 7 which wasn't even touched by a plane.
Im not even gonna watch the videos....b/c i've done about a year's worth of research of 9/11 and have friends of friends who have died in the towers. To put it simply YES, 9/11 was an inside job. Anyone who actually spends quality time researching 9/11 will deduce this. I have plenty to say about this topic but will spare paragraphs and paragraphs of research. Though if you wanna start somewhere you can always start with the fact that Larry Silverstein (owner of the WTC) admitted on national television to "pull" (demolish) building 7 which wasn't even touched by a plane.

I'm inclined to agree.

Very sad to think that they would do that for whichever of a number of reasons, but not the first time and won't be the last time a government is happy to sacrifice innocent lives for the sake of (what it sees as) the greater good.

Not watched these particular vids yet, might do a bit later. Hope they aren't that annoying Alex whatshisname wanker.
Pesonally, I think this is some of the WEAKEST evidence that 9/11 was planned. Lets think about it:

1) The city was in complete chaos, are you actually going to take a couple snippets of what anxiety struck fireman and civilians said and base your argument around that? That's negligent. You find your argument and then FIND research to support it. Rather than doing your research and then coming to an educated conclusion.

2) So CNN reports Building 7 "collapsed or is collapsing" and then the BBC reported it collapsed. And THIS is supposed to be evidence? The news biz is all about breaking the news first. In such a high profile topic, news sources fail to do thorough research in favor of getting the news out their ASAP. This same exact thing is at work EVERY SINGLE DAY. Haven't you ever played the game of "telephone" as a little kid?

3) They think speculating the building might collapse even though it wasn't collapsing means it was planned? I guess boxing announcers who say, "He looks woozy, one more shot could mean a knockout" must have fixed the fight, too?

This is a pathetic attempt, in my opinion. Whoever made this video obviously FIRST had the mission of proving it was an inside job and THEN went scouring for evidence to prove it. Sad.

By the way, I'm not saying it was or wasn't an inside job. I'm just commenting on this video.
Well of course it was planned... it probably took several years for those extremists to plan it. To think that someone like Bush would be behind it is just hilarious.. can he even tie his own shoes?
I tend to subscribe to the 'controlled demolition' idea. The official story just doesn't add up, IMO.


9/11 was absolutely positively planned. It was done by people. A group of people.

Its basically a matter of which people. 19 moderately educated, young, bad pilots who did the impossible not once but 3 times in one day. Or the rest of the world including those with the most to gain and almost unlimited amounts of money, power and influence.
Again...i haven't even looked at the OP's videos b/c i've done enough research on my own to formulate my opinion. If anyone thinks that it was solely GW Bush that planned it...wake the fuck up. Something like this goes so completely deep into the fabric of intelligence and national security that it doesn't lead to just 1 person. Bush was reading a fucking book to elementary kids about a donkey that day lol.

Let's start with a few FACTS.

#1. Larry Silverstein bought the towers in July '01, and appended the papers to add a "terrorist attack" clause....this is by the way the 1st time the towers have switched ownership in their 28 years of existence.

#2. The security company of the towers was also switched when Silverstein took over (1st time in 28 years) to GW's brother Marvin Bush...his company also ran security for United Airlines, and Dulles airport

#3. Building 7 which "collapsed" was never touched by a plane WHATSOEVER. It was determined later in the day on 9/11 by Silverstein to "pull" the building, because it had "structural damage". If you research building 7, there were no more than a couple small fires, nothing a fire squad couldn't take care of. Building 7 later was "pulled" around 5pm-ish on 9/11.

So let me get this straight...you can rig a 52 floor building with explosives enough to demolish it in under a few hours??? ORLY? Something like that would take DAYS to do even by the most proficient demolition team.

BTW building 7 was the headquarters for many CIA/FBI field offices as well as Giluliani's former bunker and housed many government papers including insider trading documents regarding the wtc destruction. How convenient.

If that's not enough to at least entertain, then look into Thermate (thermite + sulfur) which is used in demolition, and the fact that bomb sniffing dogs were abruptly removed the weekend prior when there was a 36 hour "powerdown".

Another fun fact: The towers were full of asbestos, and received numerous threats from the city to clean it up or receive hefty fines.

If you think that cavemen are responsible for 9/11 please keep watching Fox.

those who think it was the "cavemans" probly also think you are in irak because Saddam had MDWs and was such a bad boy.
open your fucking eyes.
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