War Dogs: another reason why dogs are awesome

A dog was used to snatch Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. The SAS used them in various missions in Afghanistan and Iraq as well.

In these raids they wear armour that can withstand attacks from guns and knives. They also carry infrared cameras into rooms before any troops, due to the potential of terrorists having bombs attached to their body and what not. Then, if they see do someone with a weapon then they are trained to go right for them.

It is interesting how the German Shephard dogs seem to be desired choice and the police always use them over here. They do have a great nose for sniffing out drugs though and they are pretty much fearless as well.

Hey, thank's for regurgitating the articles for us.

My buddy was a Dog Handler for his unit in the Army. When he was deployed for Fallujah(sp?) when Fallujah was a shit hole (2005, I think), he was on detail for a Iraqi Police Recruitment sign up, and another dog sniffed out a guy in line and started BUGGING out. Said dude instantly blew himself up and killed 20+ people including my buddies Dog Handler partner and his partners dog. My buddy and his dog were both seriously injured, and both were discharged from the Army. <3 Dogs.

If the dog didn't sniff out the suicide bomber, the death toll would have been MUCH higher if the guy made it inside the building.