War Dogs: another reason why dogs are awesome

Magic Hat

Number 9
Nov 27, 2009
Came across this article, which is a "photo essay" about war dogs (military dogs). Here is a link: War Dog - An FP Photo Essay By Rebecca Frankel | Foreign Policy

And some of my favorite pictures:





kick ass those dogs are cool....i hope they get to live with their handlers after service
wow!! I've never seen these kinds of dogs before. Ya know, I really love dogs..and seeing these photos make me want them even more.
A dog was used to snatch Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. The SAS used them in various missions in Afghanistan and Iraq as well.

In these raids they wear armour that can withstand attacks from guns and knives. They also carry infrared cameras into rooms before any troops, due to the potential of terrorists having bombs attached to their body and what not. Then, if they see do someone with a weapon then they are trained to go right for them.

It is interesting how the German Shephard dogs seem to be desired choice and the police always use them over here. They do have a great nose for sniffing out drugs though and they are pretty much fearless as well.
totally bamf stuff there!

I'm actually shocked by the numbers. First, by how cheap it says it is to train and gear the dogs up. Every little tiny thing in the military seems to cost millions yet the dogs are in the tens of thousands. There's pet dogs that cost more than that. Secondly, how few are being used. They're talking about adding another 600 or so. With how affective and cheap they are i'd be multiplying that by ten
I'm not even gonna debate it, because I'm not even committed to an opinion, but my thought process went like this, honestly:

2. ... animal abuse.
There's a facility called the "War Dog Battalion" about 30 minutes from where I live in Thailand. Big area dedicated to training war dogs for the Thai army. They have shows every year where the public gets to see some of the dogs in simulated action, although we don't get see them jumping out of planes into the ocean and the gear they are outfitted with isn't as cool as in those pix.
Many descendants of the war dogs are available from breeders in the area. Like my two German Shepards (maybe, don't really know).

This guy when he was about 1 year old and big enough to jump on my head and knock me on my ass. Would've made a nice follow-up pic but camera person was laughing too hard to get the shot.


The other guy (with the pointy ears on the right) at one year. Now two years he weighs more than 50 kg and is one intimidating mofo.

I certainly wouldn't mind having one of these beasts help me out in battle and definitely wouldn't have any trust issues either.
I can't even fathom the whole 'animal abuse' thing.

These dogs LOVE their jobs/lives. They are pack hunters by NATURE (everyone seems to forget that) and so by giving them a purpose + constant companionship and love - they love it!

What is animal abuse?
Buying a dog.
Tying it to a post in the yard and never interacting with it.
THAT is animal abuse.
These animals are pack and social animals, they NEED attention.
That shit makes me RAAAAAAAAAAGGE.
I can't even fathom the whole 'animal abuse' thing.

These dogs LOVE their jobs/lives. They are pack hunters by NATURE (everyone seems to forget that) and so by giving them a purpose + constant companionship and love - they love it!

What is animal abuse?
Buying a dog.
Tying it to a post in the yard and never interacting with it.
THAT is animal abuse.
These animals are pack and social animals, they NEED attention.
That shit makes me RAAAAAAAAAAGGE.

Yes. Also is dangerous with large dogs, because they tend to become more territorial- so a 5 year old kid comes into the yard and the dog that doesn't understand human interaction attacks because it thinks it has to. Hate that shit. not the dogs fault, it's the shitty owner's fault.

I got to see a demo from a guy who trains police dogs for similar stuff. Not the super cool parachuting and what not, but running into buildings and taking out armed guys, bomb sniffers, drug sniffers, etc. Pretty sick what they can get these guys to do. These were all belgian malinois and they were super sharp.
What is animal abuse?
Buying a dog.
Tying it to a post in the yard and never interacting with it.
THAT is animal abuse.
These animals are pack and social animals, they NEED attention.
That shit makes me RAAAAAAAAAAGGE.

Pure truth right there.