Want a laugh: This blog owner responded to every spam comment:

You just fell for what he really wanted. More traffic to his website.

I reckon the same guy also owned www.DearMrSpielberg.com

The fact that he answers spam comments has been shared multiple times on FB and even a few times on Steven Spielberg fan pages.
What's stupid about that site is that Steven Spielberg has never made that sort of film. It's a run of the mill thriller. Why the hell would he be interested?
the owner of that posted funny reply to spam links :

"Dear Wesenrive:

Thank you for your comment, and your links. I clicked on a few links, and they led to message-boards of various types. I could not find, though, what you are trying to sell. Please let me know if there are different links I could try; I will do so, it’s only fair since you checked this site out.

Let’s keep rollin.’

Michael "
Hi Sumit:

Thanks for your comment and support. Not sure about your reference to Steven Spielberg being Jewish or how that matters, but I agree that he’s both nice and busy.

As for the musician Steven Wagenheim, I searched for him and found this song, “Puppet on a String”– is that him?

It’s actually pretty good. I was expecting it would suck, to be honest with you. But I bet you were thinking the same thing about my website, that it would suck, and now it probably seems wild you ever felt that way.. Right?

If and when my script is made into a film, I actually will put in a plug for Mr. Wagenheim’s music, assuming the song above is him.

Take care, and thanks again for writing.


Well it's not link bait by me, as I said just someones backlinks I was looking at and randomly clicked on, I probably should have said lols instead of lol.

For a fraction of a second I though maybe a cunning way to keep his blog looking alive but then realized the blog owners just sad.
Link Bait. Maybe the blog owner is trying some sort of automated blog commenting program.