VPS Question

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New member
Oct 14, 2008
Hi Guys,

I plan to go for a VPS hosting, but don't want to spend a week with technical stuff. I am familiar with WHM ; that's the best Domain managment software I came accross

can you tell me which company you recommned and in one sentence why

also, what are your experience with VSP and what do you recomend to check before taking a plan


ps: VPS= Virtual Private Server

I'd just go dedicated if I was to get VPS, vps is kind just an upgraded shared host :p

If you are really serious about internet marketing or creating a business online I would just skip vps and go to a dedicated server. A couple of good places to find dedicated servers are managemybox.com and liquidweb.com. I currently use managemybox and I pay $104 per month which is a good price for a dedicated server. They also have a great support team and will help you with any problem you have. I have not tried liquidweb but I have heard good reviews from people that have used them.
Slicehost / Linode.

If you really need some grunt, and want to defeat any dedicated server for the fraction of the price... Amazon EC2.
I am using a VPS from a company based in the UK called 34SP.

I am no expert with Unix but I got the package with Plesk installed which makes using the VPS simple and it does everything I need it to.

I went with 34SP because of their great support and patience with Linux Newbies like myself.

Seriously, this shit has been covered like 15 times in the last week here. Besides, go search on webhostingtalk.com, they have like a bajillion times more info then you'll find here.
I am using a VPS from a company based in the UK called 34SP.

I am no expert with Unix but I got the package with Plesk installed which makes using the VPS simple and it does everything I need it to.

I went with 34SP because of their great support and patience with Linux Newbies like myself.

That might save me a post. I'm looking for a UK VPS or small dedi and was gonna ask for recommendations, would prefer cpanel but will check em out.
I also use 34SP, their support is good, i was emailing directly with one of their support guys whilst trying to install magento, rather than messing about with tickets.

Another thumbs up from me.
Wiredtree. Gotta love their supports. If you want save $15/month, get yourself LxAdmin(cpanel alternative, but free). It works like a charm. Most VPS provide will have that option.

managemybox looks good too. $100 for dual core isn't bad.
Unfortunately, there arent any great E-Commerce systems out there in my opinion. However, that being said, what will work for you will depend on a number of factors including what it is your selling and how complex of a system you want in terms of discounting, tax setups, etc.

Magento wont be a bad system down the line - hopefully. It seems that Varien, the company that makes Magento is a little sketchy when dealing with enterprise level apps. Most noteably they dont offer good detailed documentation or a basic API (This is on purpose as part of there business model, free app, rape you for training). They also violate some basic programming principles such as deprecating functions over a period of time or even providing a detailed and complete changelog from version to version.

Given that it is written in Zend I suspected it would suffer from the same downfall as Zend which is they tend to over-complicate and use OO to the extreme - however, Magento has brought this to a new level with the majority of there code and classes being absolutely absurd.

As bad as it sounds people almost never get exactly what they want from an existing solution like zenCart or osCommerce - If your really looking for something that will fit your needs exactly and you have some kind of complex requirements you may want to consider rolling your own solution or having someone do it for you.

Well i'm not settled on it, i installed it to see if it was good enough to replace our current store.

Care to make an alternative suggestion?
Unfortunately, there arent any great E-Commerce systems out there in my opinion. However, that being said, what will work for you will depend on a number of factors including what it is your selling and how complex of a system you want in terms of discounting, tax setups, etc.

Magento wont be a bad system down the line - hopefully. It seems that Varien, the company that makes Magento is a little sketchy when dealing with enterprise level apps. Most noteably they dont offer good detailed documentation or a basic API (This is on purpose as part of there business model, free app, rape you for training). They also violate some basic programming principles such as deprecating functions over a period of time or even providing a detailed and complete changelog from version to version.

Given that it is written in Zend I suspected it would suffer from the same downfall as Zend which is they tend to over-complicate and use OO to the extreme - however, Magento has brought this to a new level with the majority of there code and classes being absolutely absurd.

As bad as it sounds people almost never get exactly what they want from an existing solution like zenCart or osCommerce - If your really looking for something that will fit your needs exactly and you have some kind of complex requirements you may want to consider rolling your own solution or having someone do it for you.

OpenCart :)
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