Vith7's Wikipedia Page (not link!) Creation Service - Free Review Copies Available

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New member
Jan 19, 2016
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I'm new here so you guys are probably not going to give me the best welcome. Instead, I'm going to make this even better. I'm giving away 3 completely FREE review copies to the first 3 members who claims it below.

You must have 500+ posts and must be fairly reputable here because I need yo' reviews at the end :cool2:.

I am then offering 5x discounted copies for members with over 100 posts at $500 (50% payable upfront for content writing expenses on my end). Once I deliver, you send the final 50%.

Tough luck if you have under 100 posts because the price for this service is $850 per page.

Expensive? Fuck yes. Worth it? Fuck yes.

1. What the fuck do we actually do?

We will built out a page for you on Wikipedia either for yourself or your brand. However, don't expect me to accept you if you or your brand is a nobody. You need to be well known in your industry or else this service ain't going to work for you.

2. Will you approve my 2 page affiliate site?

No. You need to have a legitimate, authority site if you want to have a brand page for your site on Wikipedia. No thin, shitty affiliate sites. Your brand or site needs history.

3. Will you deliver overnight bruh?

No. This is Wikipedia. The success rate for this service is very little which is why I have strict requirements. The standard ETA is 30 days. Maximum ETA is 60 days. No quick ETA under 30 days.

4. What else do I need?

You need to send us links of other sites linking to you. The more the better. We also need a 500-1000 word description and overview about you or your brand. The more the better.

5. How do I start?

PM me for the application form. Fill it out truthfully and if selected you will hear from us in within 48 hours. If you don't hear from us, we haven't selected you. We only select applications that have a genuine shot at getting a page on Wikipedia. It's not easy, so don't submit the form with your shitty fucking sites because I will just ignore you straight away.

I only have space to work with 10 clients at a time. Do the Math. 3x free review copies, 5x discounted copies and 2x full price copies and I'm finished for the time being.

There are no refunds once your page is live. If we select you after you fill out the application that means we are confident we can get your page live.

If you want to wait for reviews then be my guest. I will open this thread again in a few weeks once the 3x free review copies are complete.

3x FREE Review Copies - $0
5x DISCOUNTED Copies - $250 before/$250 after completion
2x FULL PRICE - $850
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3x FREE Review Copies - $0

5x DISCOUNTED Copies - $250 before/$250 after completion

2x FULL PRICE - $850

I will take the 3rd review copy.

I 'll take 2nd

I will take first review copy

Great. Sending you all 3 a link to the submission form to fill out your info.

Please remember that your brand/company must be genuine and must be worthy of a Wikipedia page. If not, you'll be rejected and I'll find someone else for the free review copy.


5x DISCOUNTED Copies - $250 before/$250 after completion

2x FULL PRICE - $850
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