Vibram FiveFingers (Shoes)


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Anyone else sporting a pair of fivefingers? I saw a couple of guys wearing them at a convention I was at and just had to get a pair. I recall reading a lot of press on bare foot running, and walking in recent news but didn't know where to actually get the shoes. I went to a few local stores and they were all completely sold out but I did mange to get my size. The official site seems to have all sizes in stock which worked out great.

I have been sporting my pair of Sprints for a few days now and it's been pretty interesting trying to get my feet to adjust to them. I plan on wearing them every day for a month and see how it goes.


(not my feet, random flickr image)

im def gettin a pair this summer for hiking and such, the boutique outdoorsy store by me said they always have em in stock, gonna get the ones that close up on top in case i walk through a scummy pond or something
The #1 most important thing. MAKE SURE YOU GET THEM IN THE RIGHT SIZE.
If they are loose, you will get an areola looking scab on your heel/tendon area from the chafing.

Case in point: I'm a 42, but I got a 43 in my first pair. Fucked everything up.
Also, they will stink uncontrollably after a little while. Washing them helps, but you best be getting a new pair after a few months of consistent use.
I have had a pair for about 1 1/2 years now. I really like them. I workout in them, mostly crossfit and o-lifting.
I think we can amend FTCHaters post to include a "never getting laid for the rest of your life" category

LOL, no kidding.

...I hope you keep those bad boys on only while in the house - alone - bullet-ride. ;-)
Damn those MBT things look really silly and yeah the fivefingers do look a bit silly but I was not planing on using them as a shoe replacement. I am going to wear them at first to break them in and get a feel them, after which ill use them for running, sailing, kayaking, etc

My gf doesn't seem to care to much about them, she already knows I am eccentric its surely not the weirdest thing I own.

Btw here is the site if anyone didn't bother to google it.
I'd actually be more inclined to think the vibrams would help you get laid more than gucci loafers. If you're in the gym wearing those, you might have some girl ask you what they are, whereas gucci shoes are beyond the line of "oh this guy dresses nice he might have a little money" and has crossed into "look at this douchebag".
Yeha, the vibs are nice. Especially if you're outdoorsey and or live in the sticks. I kind of want to make a pair of tarahumara though. Vibrams smell like ass it's ridiuclous.
For the people saying they smell like ass the instructions say you can just put them in the washing machine. Cloths smell like ass to if you never wash them.