Very new to this please be gentle!

All I am doing is rewriting any current news stories that are relavent to my niche (kindly sent to me by google alerts!) to ensure that I'm adding at least some content everyday... Obviously I will continue to build the bulk content but effectively having a niche news feed on the home page - below static keyword loaded intro article can only add to the authenticity of the site? Well that's my thinking anyway! Is this gonna be a problem??? I'm just trying to use my own thought on what makes a website worth clicking around rather than hitting the back button

Although this next question isn't directly connected to IM, I'm concerned that it may directly affect the success of my IM...

I've just noticed that my new domain does have the "www" bit in the URL... I know that whether a person uses the "www" bit or not to access the site is irrelavant but could it impact on anything? It just concerned me that when I was checking to see if G had indexed the pages I was searching "" and NOTHING was coming back... other than listings from a couple of years ago saying the domain was due to drop and some of the new backlinks I have had done. Is there anything I need to be doing???
Although this next question isn't directly connected to IM, I'm concerned that it may directly affect the success of my IM...

I've just noticed that my new domain does have the "www" bit in the URL... I know that whether a person uses the "www" bit or not to access the site is irrelavant but could it impact on anything? It just concerned me that when I was checking to see if G had indexed the pages I was searching "" and NOTHING was coming back... other than listings from a couple of years ago saying the domain was due to drop and some of the new backlinks I have had done. Is there anything I need to be doing???

I think it's a good idea of spinning articles. Not sure what others will say. Buit when you do a google search, half the articles/pages you find are essentially the same anyways.

I think the or issue has more to do with Google Analytics - how google tracks your traffic. There is an option in Google Analytics how to track traffic.

You may be able to adjust it in either the .htdocs or robots.txt file but that is beyond me at this point.
"the" in front of a keyword will not be as good as pure exact match keyword, but it will still provide some benefit in terms of SEO. Do not forget that you can also use hyphens in your domain to separate the words.

i was considering using a hyphen ( but read somewhere it has a negative impact on keyword(s) used when being crawled. Would like more knowledge if this is true/false tho.

interesting thread none-the-less, as i too am working full time and hearing the same "dog-whistle" ringing in my

good-luck...just don't give up!
Focus on your niche, make your keyword on domain. If its unavailable, do not use hypen because people won't say "yeah it's internet hypen marketing dot com". Just add "tips" or "guide" after your keyword.