Very new to this please be gentle!


New member
Jan 4, 2011
Hi there

My name's Vic and I'm really new to all off this webmaster business. I can usually pick up most things if I have a grounding but feel I am a bit out of my depth (even in this "shallow end" part of your great forum!).

I have spent the last week or so dipping in and out of various threads on here and trying to formulate my plan of action with my latest website idea. However, I have a question (no doubt avery dumb question but hey ho!)

- Most of you guys seem (from what I have read at least) to have many domains, each revolving around a single niche or keyword. Would it be VERY naive to think I could have a single domain with a generic name and cover a whole manner of subjects in separate pages and posts? Lets think overall authority site kinda thing? I know the domain name itself won't get any traffic to the site but how often does the name drive most of the traffic anyway? As I'm so new at this I don't want to fall at the first hurdle and have a niche that lets me down... this way I figure I can just move onto the next niche on the next page and try again?

Any comments would be very welcomed.


You can use a generic domain name, people do it all the time. For example, No one would have ever thought would be a domain used for domain registering. Others have branded their own company, such as PayPal.

Most people use domains with keywords because they are easier to get higher up in the search engines quickly (SEO). Just in case you aren't sure what I mean, say you want you website to be #1 on the results page when someone searches for "purple ceramic frogs". would be easier to rank than

I still highly recommend that you tailor your website to one area. Don't hesitate doing something you are passionate about rather than something you hear from blow joe on these forums that is making them money. If you are into gaming, do a gaming website about your favorite games. If you are into racing, maybe do a website on racing. It will be better to start out with something you are passionate about (in my opinion) if you intend on spending a lot of time writing content for your website and such.

I personally wouldn't buy a domain and then put a bunch of general crap on it. I would try to stay focused in one area if it were me. Good luck!
I personally wouldn't buy a domain and then put a bunch of general crap on it. I would try to stay focused in one area if it were me. Good luck!


try to choose a path and stick with it until you are completely sure you're doing it wrong. Then sit down and figure out what you have been doing wrong, try to save the situation or start over with lesson learned.

Adn yeah if you are gonna produce content yourself make it about something you have an interest in.

But mostly dont be afraid to grind it out.
Nice one. Don't buy a More than one WSO. Read 1 and Stick to one process and don't loose your way or get a mentor to teach you everything. There are lots here, digitalforums and warriiorforums. YOu can take a look and see.
for the love of god do not go to digital point or WaFo

why? I've learned everything from Warrior forums... I think that site has the best WSo's in the business but that comes with tons of craps too... so better choose carefully or learn carefully....

Wicked fire offers the best of the best services for IM'ers but not a great collection of WSO(as I know of). So if you already know something and needs to hire somebody ths is the great place to be looking for...

Digital forums.... Yeah I can say that you are right in this one... :)
Thanks for your replies, it's definitely given me something to think about! :food-smiley-010:

I'm really struggling at the moment to stay "on point" as it were... the more research I do the more I get driven in yet another direction.

I guess my overall aim is to have a site that I can say makes me some money... from what I read on the web that can vary from a couple of Quid (I'm in UK) to, as I was reading on here... a couple of hundred $ A DAY!

I know those big numbers are a way off - if at all attainable by a complete newb... but I can dream of the day when I don't get moaned at for having spent all day on the computer and not made any money "You're not Bill Gates" was the phrase I was grunted tonight! lol

I have a fulltime job that keeps me busy, but as I work shifts I'd like to be able to put some of the downtime to good use while I'm working away from home.

So what didi I do today...

Well, I spent it researching (and playing with) a WP template downloaded from matt'smarketingblog (didn't want to put a link incase its against T&Cs!) I also read and watched some of his articles. Seems quite straightforward from his point of view but I guess he's leaving out a lot of the useful/juicy info.

Having been put in the doghouse (see above) I've spent most of the night researching keywords - not sure I'm doing it right but I can't spend anymore money on this as yet fruitless project... will be permanently woofing otherwise! Have been trying to compare exact phrases using the keyword tool on adwords against google search results... have a couple of of things to consider (I think) but... STANDBY NEWBIE QUESTION APPROACHING... if I was to go for another domain name for a specific niche would Google ignore the "The" of because exact phrase searches of "bestblahblahblah" seem to be under represented and the domain with the "the" at the begining is available!

Anywhoo, it's getting late now... gonna creep into the non-dog bed (pretty sure the real dogs will now be on my side now but hey)

Night Night
rayson14 I advise you not to mention WaFo, Digital Point forums and WSO here. Your stay here will be much better!

"the" in front of a keyword will not be as good as pure exact match keyword, but it will still provide some benefit in terms of SEO. Do not forget that you can also use hyphens in your domain to separate the words.

Btw, if you want to watch some good basic videos on keyword research check out Noble Samurai - Dojo.
Sometimes when your exact match keyword domain isn't available then you should go with a variation like you mentioned. is good, you just want to try to use your keyword in there if and when it makes sense. Be reasonable of course. Hopefully this answers your question.
If you are going to build a content site and get traffic from SE, then focus on a niche domain.

If you are going for paid traffic, you could register a generic domain within your niche (say dating), and could promote various dating landers (black,mature,bbw, etc) on that single domain. I don't go and buy a new domain for each dating offer/niche in this case.
Hi again

Thanks for all of the info and advice so far :thumbsup:

I've been doing more research (really must start DOING stuff again...) Anywhoo, I've been looking at maybe taking on another project alongside my generic domain with multiple niche content... I have found a 2 word keyword that allegedly (according to Google Keyword tool) is searched for [exact] >40,000 per month globally and 4,400 locally (UK?) when put into a standard Google search the keyword returns 1.4million results... the thing is the hyphenated version of teh EXACT keyword is available as a .net (and as is that is of any interest) This has got me quite interested... but is a 1.4 million result competition far too much to go at as an utter newbie???
How did you get the competition figure? Everyone has their own way of doing it, but I use allinanchor:"my keyphrsae" and if the number is still 1.4mill it will be an uphill struggle for a newbie, but nothing stopping you from doing it. If its up to 50k competition that should be relatively easy with a keyword specific domain as long as you can get the volume of backlinks.
Thanks Darkwing. I just used that search string and Google is coming back with competition of 129,000. Al I did before was literally search my keyword in google with no "" or anything! :anon.sml:

The main kind of competition seems to be authority sites (genuine ones rather than plucked out of thin air IM Authority sites!) Is this gonna mean it's a hard job getting good ranking? The reason I say this is that I'm amazed that the niche isn't over-run with IMs... interstingly the although not available to register is non-existent on the web... again could this mean whomever owns it has given up trying to beat authority sites?
na, should be relatively easy with the keyword specific domain. Just make sure its getting new articles everyday (could autoblog it at the backend) and gets links to all of the new pages. Without much work you should be acing it in a few months
I don't intend to turn this into a blog but I just thought I'd give anyone that was interested an update of where I am...

  • registered the
  • installed WP and have simple SEO theme up and running
  • have static homepage article with new posts appearing underneath.
  • currently have 3 pages with articles and am "blogging" spun niche news feeds from google alerts.
  • am targetting 1 primary KW, 2 secondary KWs and 3 tertiary KWs
The big G hasn't been over to index me yet but that doesn't bother me too much as there isn't much content there yet... have at least another 4 prime articles to write and will then be adding daily articles of how the niche has affected real people in their lives (health related niche so lots of "this is what happened to me stories" available to spin)

So, where now... backlinks? DFB - need to have a read about that cos I don't actually know what it is!