Using Joomla for arbitrage

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Aug 7, 2006
Who uses Joomla for their arbitrage pages? I was thinking about this the other day and for the newbs like me, it could be quicker to make tons of pages quickly.

Things to install:
install joomla
install the OpenSEF component (for search engine friendly URLs)
install the AdSense module

I would create sections (topics) and then in those sections would be categories which would contain the different pages on the arbi site.

With OpenSEF, those that use directory style URLs instead of subdomains will have URLs like

The AdSense module allows you to easily control your colors, sizes, types, channels, etc. within the administrator area.

This is a pretty good way to pump out a ton of arbi sites. Depending on how many articles you get written per day, there's really no excuse for not making enough.

or you could use this
Screw that, I use to pride myself on hand coded shit, but have got to a point that I will use any shortcut possible as long as it works. Work hard or work smart, your choice. Im stuck between the two myself.
Joomla is definately overkill for arbitrage. Go with wordpress or your own custom PHP script.
i use joomla quite a bit for regular websites, i like it alot.
the clicksafe adsense mod is excellent, also.

but there is too much leakage for joomla to be used effectively for arbitrage, though.
Someone posted a arbitrage site he built with WordPress here, I thought it was awsome, even though he got some bad feedback on it, try hunting it down and take a look at it.
If you must use an off the shelf cms, use wordpress and remove all but the basics from the template... But arbi pages are simple enough that if you know a little php you can make your own tools that are more targeted
The previous post about page leakage is very important. Too many default links are present in a Joomla installation that you will spend more time purging these links from Joomla than making pages. A basic three column css template with a header will work nicely. A little Dreamwever search and replace, some php includes for the ad placement and your golden.
XSite Pro works great for a noob like me :)
with not programming or coding skills.
rigth now I have about 20 arbi sites without knowing
what Im doing, but i still manage to make a very good profit :D
A Joomla template takes about 2 minutes tops to make. What I usually do is just take an HTML template that I would use for arbitrage anyway and add the php includes that Joomla uses. There's only like 2-3 things to put.

The mainbody and where you want the modules to be is all.

When you install Joomla, opt to put no sample content - you won't have any of Joomla's default modules and menus on there.

Once that's done, it's quick to add new sections and categories for the content that you want.
I know PHP pretty well but I haven't bothered using it for arbitrage yet. I just made a XSLT stylesheet for my template and write XML documents for my arbi pages.
I will try using Wordpress on some with the automated RSS udates, i'm worried that the keywords will change too often and i won't be able to tweak them precisley. but anyway - from what i've read the best way to go is simple html.

With a CMS based on a database, you could create a bunch of pages with variations "offline" and import them all at once, right? Use Excel or text editor. Then somehow dump it all into the database and publish.

Sounds like that would save a bunch of time?

Anyone do this with WordPress, or Joomla, Drupal, or others?
WP is so underrated compared to most CMS' because so many people look at it like a lite version of a blogging platform, which it can be I guess, but it's so versatile that it also acts as one hell of a great CMS. For arbitrage, I'd choose WP over any other type of CMS anyday. Also because you don't need to create some huge project out of it, keeping it simple and to the point is your best shot.
WP is so underrated compared to most CMS' because so many people look at it like a lite version of a blogging platform, which it can be I guess, but it's so versatile that it also acts as one hell of a great CMS. For arbitrage, I'd choose WP over any other type of CMS anyday. Also because you don't need to create some huge project out of it, keeping it simple and to the point is your best shot.

Yea, I take a WP template and edit the php pages to remove any links, and extra sidebar shit and it turns out looking good. I've used it for a few sites for arbitrage reasons and it works just as good as a handcoded notepad file.
I can see WP being very powerful because any time you post a page with it you can ping the world and get some other non-PPC traffic. I am currently using a custom script I had outsourced for me.

I was wondering, for those of you that are automating your pages or using WP, how are you keeping track of your CTR with each campaign? Are you somehow automatically generating AdSense channels? I can't figure out how to do this quickly. Any tips on this?

I know you can track by URL, but my system currently only uses one dynamic URL (if that makes sense)
I was wondering, for those of you that are automating your pages or using WP, how are you keeping track of your CTR with each campaign? Are you somehow automatically generating AdSense channels? I can't figure out how to do this quickly. Any tips on this?
ChannelService (AdSense API)

(I don't use the API, but just found the info online.)
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