USA a Third World Country by 2020, Africa Superpower by 2020

when that happens (i should say 'continues', its already happening on a massive scale), america will indeed become a 3rd world country. what africa will become is speculation; what america will become is absolutely certain: argentina 2.0

Don't worry yourself too much. The US will exterminate all 7 billion of us before it allows itself to become a 3rd world country. It's only a couple red buttons and launch codes away. :)
Don't worry yourself too much.

ever heard the chinese saying "Wealth Does Not Pass Three Generations"?

i'd guess the hallmark of that third generation was "we've always had it; we'll always have it; don't worry yourself too much."
its very real. the (laughable) US credit rating is the only thing standing between the dollar as the current global reserve currency and whatever else is next. the dollar's current standing as the global reserve is the ONLY reason the US gets lent money.

if our credit rating/reserve currency status fall, we fall. period. we already borrow to fund the interest on our debt. if it erodes further and we can no longer do that because the world wants to hoard renminbi (or any currency instead of dollars), GAME OVER.

and in truth, its already "game over". like any family that lives off credit cards too long, eventually the interest becomes more than they can pay.

we have two choices out of our debt -- default (which we won't do) or devaluation (which we will do).

we'll kill our own currency before any politician admits defeat, and eventually the world will be forced to move on to something more reliable. its just a matter of time.

when that happens (i should say 'continues', its already happening on a massive scale), america will indeed become a 3rd world country. what africa will become is speculation; what america will become is absolutely certain: argentina 2.0

Petrodollar. The US military exists to protect it, hence it's permanent status as the primary reserve currency. Every oil rich country that tried going against it by using the euro for instance is, well, no longer a country. Argentina is like a can you kick down the street, not an empire.
I like when people are in a debate and they throw in a "lol"
Can someone explain to me why Glenn Beck would have any insight to what he is talking about? I am not sure why he would be a leading authority on something so major especially since he doesn't seem to have any economics background/knowledge.
Can someone explain to me why Glenn Beck would have any insight to what he is talking about? I am not sure why he would be a leading authority on something so major especially since he doesn't seem to have any economics background/knowledge.

Its called doom and gloom porn.
He was a radio DJ back in the day. One day he discovered adderall and am talk radio.
Glenn Beck Net Worth | Celebrity Net Worth
So the bailing out of 'private' banks, using the 'public' purse isn't communism?

the government using your tax dollars to bail out a private corporation that creates money from thin air, and then charges interest on it isn't communism?


is it the role of the government to create policy, or to provide $70 BILLION worth of financial aid to a bunch of drunkard gamblers who would sooner use a $20 dollar bill to snort a line of coke before using it to contribute to the public purse?

Communism would essentially be the opposite. You would nationalize the banks 'to give to the people' wouldn't take from the people to give to the banks.
As in the 99% of the country?

I dunno man, it's kinda a done deal bro. The private sector debt in the west is 200% of gdp... whilst the private sector debt in sub-suharan africa is at a mere 20 - 40% of gdp

For years US corporations have been moving the production of goods and services off shore. China, india etc. The result is the US labor force is turning into a third world labor force.

You're seeing sectors like software engineering, IT, design etc moving offshore... This leaves us with non-tradeable, low paying, domestic serices; waitresses, bartenders, retail clerks etc etc which destroys the ladder that stretches from the lower class, and into middle class which means the citizens, as a whole, are becoming poorer

You could argue that the US will remain a super power, where it matters, which is the military. But, with debt so high, where is the money going to come from to maintain the military? With the USD loosing purchasing power each year, the troops will be hit directly as their salaries won't be enough for them to support themselves or their families.. which is why you are seeing an increase in the use of "drones" and other unmanned weapons

Half the world knows that the dollar is just a fun token with no value, so when Russia, china etc start refusing to accept the dollar what happens then?

it's going to be cuts, cuts, cuts

Is America Becoming A Third World Country? - YouTube

You're fucking retarded. There really isn't anything else to say. I'd bring up Nigeria and their "oil wealth" but fuck it. Russia and dollars. Wow.
Don't worry yourself too much. The US will exterminate all 7 billion of us before it allows itself to become a 3rd world country. It's only a couple red buttons and launch codes away. :)

Nar, the US government would have sold them long before it got to that stage.
its very real.

Debt isn't any more real than the money that is created out of nothing. Isn't money created as debt? How can one be more real than the other, when they're both the same thing?

OP, you really don't understand why America is the super power it is. I'll give you the benefit that very few people actually comprehend the mechanics behind our capital and labor growth. I only understand fragments that are easily visible or what I've learned in economic classes/studies. The American stranglehold on the world economy isn't going anywhere especially when you consider all of the deals done behind closed doors by American political and business leaders.

I'll agree we are in or nearing our steady-state of growth and the nature of our power will likely change over the next 20 years. Transcending into a 3rd world country? Extremely unlikely.

Our current situation doesn't have much in common with the Roman Empire that fell. If anything, I would analogize us with the Jewish folk whose power has ebbed and flowed throughout time.
Our current situation doesn't have much in common with the Roman Empire that fell. If anything, I would analogize us with the Jewish folk whose power has ebbed and flowed throughout time.

(fuck yeah)
if we can't win
we'll just become the Jews
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The American stranglehold on the world economy isn't going anywhere especially when you consider all of the deals done behind closed doors by American political and business leaders.

What is this stranglehold you speak of?

The fact that your pavements are being peeled off the sides of the streets in a gradual, stealthy, and methodical manner totally exposes the fact that the US is running out of answers.

The cracks are starting to show

For years the US has stopped producing much of anything, choosing instead to import - thus exporting their inflation to other countries. The Chinese government have already introduced policy that will see them cease all trade in USD

The hens are coming back home to roost bro. the US is bankrupt.. a mere peasant state. And everyone knows it, apart from the US citizens who ultimately will suffer the most


What is this stranglehold you speak of?

The fact that your pavements are being peeled off the sides of the streets in a gradual, stealthy, and methodical manner totally exposes the fact that the US is running out of answers.

The cracks are starting to show

For years the US has stopped producing much of anything, choosing instead to import - thus exporting their inflation to other countries. The Chinese government have already introduced policy that will see them cease all trade in USD

The hens are coming back home to roost bro. the US is bankrupt.. a mere peasant state. And everyone knows it, apart from the US citizens who ultimately will suffer the most

Wow, and here I thought you couldn't shove Glen Beck's cock down your throat any deeper...