USA a Third World Country by 2020, Africa Superpower by 2020


New member
Jul 3, 2012
1st Page, Google
Looks like the US is in the shitter! By 2020 the US will be a fully fledged third world economy


Conversely it looks like Africa, with it's 54 markets, will be the worlds superpower by 2020

Six of the world's 10 fastest-growing economies are african countries


have the tables turned?

who else is stocking up on gold, bitcoin and shotgun shells? we're gonna need em

Don't forget zombie gas... gonna need your zombie gas.

Serious reply though, welcome to the new world, and it's merely globalization doing it's thing. Don't worry, it's fine. Some time in the future, there won't be any 1st or 3rd world countries -- we'll all just be the same, and you're seeing that happening throughout the world now.
Funny thing about our dipshit chimp brains is we never hold "prophets" accountable when they're fucking wrong.. which is at least 95% of the time for every prophet. But when they do say get something right.. OMG.. they're fucking gods on earth. So fucking weird. They can literally shoot out a million bullshit predictions and if one sticks they're amazing to us.

I listen to Alex Jones sometimes out of morbid curiosity and I see this shit all the time with him. He and his guests throw out so many fucking definite predictions that are completely fucking wrong it's amazing.. but they never get called on it.. and his subscriber base only goes up. But if he says a few things that are right he's touting it for yrs.

Same shit with religious cult and non-cult prophets who yr after yr say the world's going to end. We barely deserve the air we breath we're such chimpy pieces of shit.
In the shitter for faggots with no skills who don't produce shit. I don't see how it's any differet now

And yeah, africa will just brush off their ongoing tribal wars, overly religious countries with fucked up world views, widespread diseases, uninhabitable environments, submissive colonial past and magically rise up against the world in 6 years, due to sheer numbers. Right.
LOL... just actually watched all 10 mins of that Glenn Beck video, and burst out in laughter multiple times, almost to tears. That guy should be a stand up comedian.
In the shitter for faggots with no skills who don't produce shit. I don't see how it's any differet now

As in the 99% of the country?

And yeah, africa will just brush off their ongoing tribal wars, overly religious countries with fucked up world views, widespread diseases, uninhabitable environments, submissive colonial past and magically rise up against the world in 6 years, due to sheer numbers. Right.

I dunno man, it's kinda a done deal bro. The private sector debt in the west is 200% of gdp... whilst the private sector debt in sub-suharan africa is at a mere 20 - 40% of gdp

For years US corporations have been moving the production of goods and services off shore. China, india etc. The result is the US labor force is turning into a third world labor force.

You're seeing sectors like software engineering, IT, design etc moving offshore... This leaves us with non-tradeable, low paying, domestic serices; waitresses, bartenders, retail clerks etc etc which destroys the ladder that stretches from the lower class, and into middle class which means the citizens, as a whole, are becoming poorer

You could argue that the US will remain a super power, where it matters, which is the military. But, with debt so high, where is the money going to come from to maintain the military? With the USD loosing purchasing power each year, the troops will be hit directly as their salaries won't be enough for them to support themselves or their families.. which is why you are seeing an increase in the use of "drones" and other unmanned weapons

Half the world knows that the dollar is just a fun token with no value, so when Russia, china etc start refusing to accept the dollar what happens then?

it's going to be cuts, cuts, cuts

LoL... oh lol lol hahaha, lol. In 6 years they're going to stop believing in witchcraft? They believe HIV is caused by bad spirits and that the white man brings the Ebola plague upon them. They killed an entire medical team and BBC news crew that came to help them. And albinos, they kill them too because... well, they're evil. And if they decide you're a witch, they'll stick a tire around your neck, douse you in gasoline and set you on fire.

They'd rather wait for a sack of rice to fall off the back of a truck than slaughter their own herds, which are an enormous source of status. On top of all that, the continent is rife with Muslim extremists.

So yeah, I seriously fucking doubt that any African nation is going to be a world superpower by 2020. The USA will still remain the one and only true superpower with the likes of China still nipping at their heels.


In the shitter for faggots with no skills who don't produce shit. I don't see how it's any differet now

And yeah, africa will just brush off their ongoing tribal wars, overly religious countries with fucked up world views, widespread diseases, uninhabitable environments, submissive colonial past and magically rise up against the world in 6 years, due to sheer numbers. Right.

Was making dinner and my post got interrupted half way. ^^ What he said.
LoL... oh lol lol hahaha, lol. In 6 years they're going to stop believing in witchcraft? They believe HIV is caused by bad spirits and that the white man brings the Ebola plague upon them. They killed an entire medical team and BBC news crew that came to help them. And albinos, they kill them too because... well, they're evil. And if they decide you're a witch, they'll stick a tire around your neck, douse you in gasoline and set you on fire.

Please don't tell me you're really that fucken stupid and closed minded.

Yeah dude, all Africans are hunting around for witches to burn at the stake, and think it's totally ok to hand a 12 year old an AK-47. You bet.

Don't be an idiot.
Never, ever, ever going to happen. The U.S. will bring "democracy "to Africa long before this is possible.
Holy shit, this thread started with Glenn Beck (who is clearly one of the dumbest fucking people ever to appear on TV), and degenerated from there. Hey Glenn. Steve Urkel called. He'd like his sweater vest back.

Seriously though, whatever happens in this country, and however we deal or don't with the impending financial, credit, fiat currency, infrastructure, energy and other clusterfucks looming on the horizon, the bottom line is that the entire system is based on the necessity for perpetual growth in a finite space.

Sorry, that's impossible, no matter how good an SEO you are.
Common people, Glen Beck of all Paid mouth piece. I think most people should be more worried about the ascended masters coming back.

The true rulers of this world would soon be known.

Have you noticed how the COWARDS describe how the BRAVE SOULS died. Glen Beck will shit in his pants if he hears the sound of exploding BOMBS.

This is truly a non story!
Never, ever, ever going to happen.

Why do you say that?

Because the FED just bought 14 brand spanking new laser jets during the black friday sales, so can now print bundles of dollars into existence until they're all out of ink and have to troll through the pages of craigslist until they find some crack head who is selling ink cartridges at -70% their original value?

the writing is on the wall. The US are the worlds largest debtors.

China is now the worlds largest economy, let's not forget that. And they are declining to do business in dollars

The U.S. will bring "democracy "to Africa long before this is possible.

lol the US is an international laughing stock actually.

Anytime you hear an ill mannered joke about sloppy finance, it's someone making reference to the US - a proud capitalist nation, with a government that has bailed out it's rogue bankers on several occasions (communism)

And just to highlight another point, African governments are running policy far better than the mess you see in the US. African governments have been running budget 'surpluses' over the last decade, whilst the US has amassed the largest pile of debt ever seen throughout the history of economics - a debt that they will never be able to pay back.

there was the slight decline during the global financial crisis, but African governments rapidly got that back under control. The G7 countries are still yet to have done that, and aren't likely to any time soon

As gdp grows across africa, the world will see a concentration of wealth that is has never seen before

remember, the United States is 3.719 million square miles while Africa is 11.72 million square miles. You can fit the US into Africa several times over and have plenty of space left


The reality is, the US has been in the shitter for a very long time... swirling around like that little annoying chunk of shit that evades being flushed, until that one instance when several important factors arrange in perfect alignment.. then.. just like that... that little piece of shit disappears down the drain

they say every empire gets a 200 year run.. Whilst I wouldn't refer to the US as an empire, being that it is a mere satellite British state - it has been around for 231 years now... It's no coincidence that the first signs of decline were seen 30 years ago

Let's face it guys, it's time to pick an african country... master it's language and get to rainmakin because thats where the moneys going. Keep up or fall behind
OP is wrong about 70%+ of what he's talking about, and has been marketed to by Glenn Beck.

Bailing out banks isn't communism, for starters.
First the 17 year old stock wizard, and now Glenn Beck... Next thing you know everyone will start posting WWE gifs because we all know wrestling is real and not staged redneck entertainment.
Bailing out banks isn't communism, for starters.

So the bailing out of 'private' banks, using the 'public' purse isn't communism?

the government using your tax dollars to bail out a private corporation that creates money from thin air, and then charges interest on it isn't communism?


is it the role of the government to create policy, or to provide $70 BILLION worth of financial aid to a bunch of drunkard gamblers who would sooner use a $20 dollar bill to snort a line of coke before using it to contribute to the public purse?
OP, why don't you move to Africa so you can experience the awesomeness first hand?

Just make sure not to get labeled a witch.

A new Gallup poll found that belief in magic is widespread throughout sub-Saharan Africa, with over half of respondents saying they personally believe in witchcraft. Studies in 18 countries show belief varies widely (ranging from 15 percent in Uganda to 95 percent in the Ivory Coast), but on average 55 percent of people polled believe in witchcraft.

Belief in Witchcraft Widespread in Africa