US Senate Bill Extends "Battlefield" Designation to Inside Our Borders S.1867


WF Bronze Member
May 13, 2011
Gone Baby Gone
US Senate Bill Extends "Battlefield" Designation to Inside Our Borders S.1867

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As somebody who actually reads the bill I'd like to point out the ACLU is citing section 1032 which clearly says:

(b) Applicability to United States Citizens and Lawful Resident Aliens-
(1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
(2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.

So I think they're shedding crocodile tears for the ability to go to Home Depot and round up day laborers who might be collaborating with al-qaida.
oh fuck it, what do I care. I live in the frozen North where we don't have any of this ridiculous shit.

1/10th the population, 1/10000000th the problems
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so your saying that was the first time our gov killed someone they didn't like inside or outside the boundaries of the law? Hell just look at all the "threats" Bill Clinton had that had untimely deaths. I hate to say it but it really doesnt matter what laws they pass. The US gov will do what they want and when they want to do it no matter what anyone says (hell they killed the whole SEAL team 6)

This is no different than the Border War. They put a few kids down south and call it the Border Patrol. They catch a few drugs and immigrants coming over, film it put it on tv and say "look how great we are we took all this dope of the street" mean while the president is working secret deals with the cartels to ship them guns. If they really wanted to stop the flow of drugs and immigrants they would make the border look like Iraq and Afghanistan with tens of thousands of troops.
Glenn Greenwald is saying Obama will probably veto this, not because he is against the government being allowed to do it, but because he wants the president to be the only one who can decide who gets detained, not congress.

(1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.

I'm not a lawyer, but not being required to do something does not equal to being prohibited from doing it.

Jon is not required to ban jackasses who are US citizens from wickedfire. He can let other admins ban them, but he still has the option to ban them if he wants.
No, I'm saying that's the first time our government openly did it and told us about it.

Link please.

Well unfortunately they don't have on on the front page of the navy website. Maybe the first time openly did it

Its purely coincidence that our most elite team caught their untimely demise weeks after killing the most wanted man ever. Remember that very few people saw the body because we decided to pitch it in the ocean 3 hours later. I guess some one from the CIA (or any other elite gov group) tipping off some *** **** about the where abouts of said team is way beyond something our gov is capable.
No I believe they're capable of doing that. But the only articles I found about the crash say that although some of the troops killed were members of Seal Team 6 but that none of them were part of the bin Laden raid team. Of course, we don't know who was there and who wasn't so, so who knows.

This post was kinda interesting although you gotta consider the source Alex Jones is kinda a wacho but has a video shot in may by a guy outlining the reasons why Seal Team 6 would be eliminated (shot b4 the crash)
» Infowars Ireland Predicted SEAL Team 6 Demise Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Sorry wasnt trying to hijack your thread and go off topic, I actually completely agree with your stance on this bill
You're missing two very important points. First, a "US Citizen" is defined as someone not collaborating with Al-Qaeda or other terrorist organizations - if they allege you're taking part in the "War" on Terror, you are no longer exempt.

So legislation can just redefine terms in the Constitution? Why don't they just change article 1 section 8's "Commerce" to "Commerce and blowjobs" and "the several States" to "the several States and porn stars" so they can just demand oral sex at any time from anybody on Vivid's payroll?